IV. Ciala and Saphra

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A Year Ago
(Ciala's POV)

I was in my room braiding my sisters hair. It had been about 8 months since my Harrowing and my sister was coming up in a month. She's always been curious about small things. Sometimes I think back and wonder how our lives would be if we didn't have our magi abilities. A life of sunshine instead of torches, the smell of a wooden house instead of stone walls.

So after I finished Saphra's braid, she asked "Ciala, can we go on a walk around the tower? We haven't done it in ages! Please!"

"Fine, but please, if we pass Hayes, don't start acting weird. Again!"

"Yay! Let me use the bathroom first though!"

"Okay, I'll meet you at the door."


Then as I was walking to the exit of the tower, I heard the Circle Council in the next room and froze.

"Okay, next on our list is Saphra. Her sister is Ciala. Will Saphra be made tranquil or go through her Harrowing?"


My mouth dropped and tears instantly swelled in my eyes. I covered my mouth to keep myself from screaming and I began crying silently. I hurried back to where my bed was and quickly packed all our stuff. I wiped my tears and Saphra quickly ran up to me.

"Are you ready for our walk, Ciala?"

"Yeah." I said as I pulled Saphra to the side and whispered "We are leaving."

Then we started walking and when nobody was around, I explained everything I had just heard to Saphra and she silently cried. Then I used an invisibility spell to cloak us temporarily and we left the tower, never looking back.

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