IX. Arl Eamon

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(Arl Eamon's POV)
Many Years Ago

I woke up to the warmth of my bed. I stood up to feel the cold stone and could smell the breakfast that the servants were preparing for me. So I got dressed and entered the family dining room. I sat in between my brother and my sister like every morning and the servants brought us our breakfast, toasted bread with fruit preservatives and nuts on the side.

As we ate, my sister asked me "Hey Eamon, do you think we could play in the courtyard today?"

"Sorry Rowan, but Teagan and I are playing Dragon Slayer again. You can play with us if you want." I said taking a bit of my toast.

"I'm tired of being the damsel in distress! I want to be one of the slayers today!" She said angrily.

"Rowan, you know that the guy always saves the girl. The girl doesn't save the guy."

"That's why I don't play that game." She said taking the last bite of her toast and gracefully exited the dining room.

So after I finished eating, Teagan and I walked outside and began playing. As we had just pretended to kill the dragon, a guard walked through the gates and said "Hello boys, where's your father?"

"He is in Denerim. Wait, shouldn't you know that.." Teagan said starting to m🙌🏻

"Look, I'm not paid to talk, I'm paid to get the job done and right now, my job is to kill." The man said drawing out an arrow and it was pointing right at Teagan.

"Please don't do this!" I said with tears in my eyes.

Then right as he pulled the bow string back, a blade went through his chest and he hit the floor. The arrow that was released stopped at Teagan's feet and we looked up to see who had saved us. We were shocked at who was in front of us, it was Rowan.

"So who's the damsel in distress now?" She said running up to us and we all entered a group hug.

"Rowan, you can play the hero anytime. We love you big sis!" Teagan said. Then we walked inside the castle and went about our day together.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like the last two updates I just made! As I was writing what is now Chapter 10, I thought "Maybe I should make a chapter just about Eamon?" Then I just went with it. So now you know about a piece of everyone's backstory except for one. The real question now is, what is Luirlan's backstory? You will find out soon, I promise! Follow me, vote, and comment on this chapter. Thanks!

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