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"Sorry.. I-" He stops as he looks up at deep gray eyes in front of him.

It's Mikasa. Jean looks her up and down. Her hair is pinned up this time, she has her bangs down and her makeup is as usually perfect. She's wearing a black tank top and a black skirt. She has hot lace tights on underneath.

"Wow." Jean utters outloud and gains a disgusted look from Mikasa.

"Do you have to stare at me everytime you see me?" Mikasa questions and Jean shakes his head rapidly.

"No.. I mean I only saw you twice. You just look-"

"Beautiful? Hot? I know. Now please leave. You're embarrassing." Mikasa says with no emotion and leaves him on the spot. Jean blushes in embarrassment and has no words, a few girls have surrounded him and laugh. One girl comes to his pity but Jean brushes her off and hurries up the stairs disappearing from the crowd.


"Jean literally has a crush on you." Reiner jokes and all of them laugh.

"Yeah I noticed." Eren smirks sarcastictically and Armin bumbs his elbow. "Woah...slow there, Armin is your name right?" Eren asks and Armin nods three times.

"Damn you really had too much to drink." Eren laughs and pulls the vodka bottle from him.

Ymir and Historia have returned too. They're both sitting and gossiping.

Mikasa enters the room and all of their eyes land on her. Eren immediately holds his breath and Reiner makes a whistling sound.

Mikasa rolls her eyes and sits down next to Armin. "This is the first and last party that I'll attend Bertholdt, Reiner. Better make the most of it." Mikasa warns them and Reiner nods and puts his hands up in defense.

"Whatever you say Queen." Reiner responds.

Mikasa looks at Armin and smiles shyly at him, his face is in a dark red and his glasses are on the table.

"Wow you're cute." Mikasa says to Armin and giggles, Eren is watching them but Mikasa hasn't even looked once at him. She knows that he's in the room but she doesn't care.

"So... how about a game?" Historia speaks up and Ymir sighs.

"What game?" Ymir asks and Reiner coughs as in trying to get their attention.

"Truth or dare?" Reiner asks and Histora shakes her head.

"Too easy." She smiles and watches Mikasa.

Mikasa stares right back at her and everyone can feel the tension between them. Eren wonders what's going on between them.

"Seven minutes in heaven." Historia suggests them just as Jean walks in, his eyes red and his lips swollen.

"What the hells going on here?" He asks and Reiner stands up to go to Jean.

"Dude you okay?" Reiner tries to put his hand on Jean but Jean slaps it away and almost loses his balance.

"Yeah yeah just having fun. Can't you see?" Jean looks for a place to sit, the only empty place is next to Mikasa but he knows better and pulls out a chair to sit on it.

"Oh no he drank." Armin slurs in a childish voice and Eren wonders what made Jean drink. He obviously drank more than the others, just by looking at how drunk he is.

"So seven minutes in heaven?" Ymir repeats and Historia nods.

"Everyone knows how the game works, right?" Bertholdt asks and everyone is silent except Eren.

"What game is that? I never heard of it." Eren simply says.

"Of course you didn't." Jean says quietly and Mikasa laughs.

Jean has a feeling of victory as he made her laugh for the first time.

"Well do you want to explain him?" Ymir asks Hisu and she nods.

"So the rules are simple. One person in this group decides two people that go upstairs in a private room, the lights have to be turned off and the room is locked." Historia explains, looking at Eren.

"Lights turned off? Locked? Why would the room be locked?" Eren asks and Historia giggles.

"So it's more fun and as the game says, 7 minutes." Ymir answers for Historia.

"What can two people do in those 7 minutes?"

"Oh many things." Mikasa replies and all of them turn to her, "I mean everything is allowed right?" Mikasa asks and Historia nods.

"Oh and ruling is one girl and one boy." Reiner says and Historia kicks his leg.

"With exception for you two of course." Reiner rolls his eyes, meaning Historia and Ymir.

"Woah wait hold on, no exceptions." Jean slurs and Reiner looks back at Historia.

"One boy and one girl." Reiner finalizes and Ymir rolls her eyes.

Ymir grabs Historia's thigh and whispers something in her eye, Historia blushes and Reiner forces himself to look away, wishing he was the one that made Historia blush like that.

"Boriiiing." Armin says and Mikasa nudges him.

"Okay so who decides?" Eren speaks up,

"Oh I can just spin the bottle and the person that it lands on first has to go upstairs with the person it lands second on." Bertholdt says and turns to Historia.

"Not how I wanted but sounds fair." Historia says in agreement.

"Let fate decide huh?" Ymir smirks and Bertholdt snorts.

He spins the bottle and the bottle spins and spins, Eren's heart is kicking out of his chest as he's watching the bottle spin slower and slower and then finally stop at Jean.

"Wow fate wanted me." Jean laughs with a broad smile and the others join except Mikasa and Eren.

Then Jean spins and the bottle and the bottle instantly lands on Mikasa.

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