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His hand is still in mine and I can sense the smirk on his face.

He suddenly sprints to the beach, letting go of my hand, totally startling me.

"Wait!" I shout and pace after him, he isn't serious. The sand is a little muddy from the rain, I can't help but burst in laughter again as his ridiculous flip flops hit the muddy ground.

He's still running, wait is he going to swim? The beach is empty and nobody is here. I bet everyone left after the rain.

He's at the edge of the sea and takes off his flip flops and places them far from the sea. He places his wallet and phone inside the flip flops. Then without hesitation he jumps in, he disappears from my view and then his body peeks up from the water, the water dripping from his hair and his shirt is now drenched and tight against his skin. My cheeks heat up as his shirt is see through and I can see his skin. He looks so fit and muscular.

"Jump in Mikasa, the water is warm." He bursts and goes through his wet hair. I don't know if I should. He just jumped in with his clothes on, he's definitely going to be sick.

"You're going to be sick." Is all I can say and he laughs. His laugh is too cocky. As if he's laughing at me.

"I'm already sick." He smirks and I sigh. "Sick in my head." He adds and swims further. I crouch on the ground and feel a little disgust looking at the mud.

"You're no fun." Eren mocks me with a high pitched voice and I seriously want to slap him. He dips in the water again and as he goes up his skin is glistening with water and the light from the moon makes his skin glow. He looks so hot.

I want to jump in as well just to prove him that I am actually fun.

"C'mon Mikasa, you were the one that wanted to go to the beach and now you're missing out." Eren tells me, not mocking this time.

Without any more words, I take his blouse jacket from my waist and place it on the muddy sand, then I take off my sneakers and place them next to his flip flops, I don't take off my clothes since I'm still unsure and I don't want him to see my private parts.

I take the risk and jump in, the water is lukewarm just like Eren said and I swim up and brush my hair out of my face, my clothes are now soaked and drenched against my skin, making my body visible through the thin material of my shirt. Fuck.

I swim up to Eren and he watches me swim, then he smiles at me. He dips his head down and I wait for him to swim up again. After a few seconds he is still not visible.

"Eren?" Suddenly I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and startle, I turn my head to find him behind me, he grins like the asshole that he is.

"Very funny." I huff and back away a little, "Very funny." He mocks me with a high pitched voice and I swim away from him.

"Get back here Miss." He calls and I swim further, he starts swimming to catch up to me. I feel a little shudder as the further I swim the water gets cooler. I stop swimming as I'm already far from him and turn but I can't find him anywhere. I bet he's trying to scare me again.

I suddenly feel strong arms grip my waist and Eren appears behind me, "Boo." He whispers in my ear and then he lets go and swims around to face me.

"You're annoying." I hint and splash water across his face, I laugh at the defeated reaction on his face.

"You're going to pay for this." He warns as he dips his head down again but I dip my head down at the same time, he tries to push me but I grab his wrists and stop him. He swims up and so do I. I grin as I'm still holding both of his wrists and he can't splash me. But then I feel him spitting cold water in my face and I gasp while squinting my eyes.

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