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The next day Eren went to school again. As the usual, he was sitting alone in the cafeteria again and this time Reiner asked him if he wanted to sit next to them but he declined. Waiting for Mikasa to show up, but it's useless. She doesn't show up for the rest of the day.

After school Connie asked if he could join Eren go home and Eren accepted it.

"So I see... you went to the party Jaeger?" Connie teases Eren and Eren pushes him playfully.

"Yeah, but trust me it wasn't worth it." Eren remarks and Connie nods, understanding.

"Oh by the way, a new girl has joined my history class!" Connie beams and Eren fixes his attention to Connie now.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, her name is Sasha Brouse, she's from England. Her accent is pretty british you know."

"Well obviously." Eren laughs,

Connie tells him more about Sasha and that Sasha wants to invite Connie to a british Café close by, Eren is happy to hear and encourages Connie to go there.

Eren finally arrives home and his parents are at work, so he goes up to his room, takes off his shirt and opens up the windows, as his room is too hot. He slips into his bed and drifts off to sleep.


"What do you mean you found a silver chain in your room?" Historia questions Bertholdt as they're sitting in Reiners room, learning for Physics.

"I don't know, I just found it on the ground while cleaning." Bertholdt recalls and picks up a mini groom, as there is a dusty spot next to Historia.

Historia rolls her eyes in annoyance and whispers Loser, Bertholdt doesn't hear it as he's too busy with cleaning that dusty spot.

"Hey Guys!" Reiner enters the room in his jersey shorts and topless and he spots Historia he instantly blushes and Historia smiles wickedly.

"Where were you?" Historia asks and stands up to hug him. Reiner doesn't hold back and hugs her back, "I was showering, didn't hear you guys."

"Do you know who this could belong to?" Historia asks and holds out the silver chain as Reiner examines it.

"I have no idea." Reiner shrugs and plunges down on his bed, hitting Bertholdts head with his foot.


Eren wakes up by a call from an unknown number,

"Hello?" He answers the phone with a raspy voice,

"Eren right? It's me Mikasa. I wanted to ask you if you have some notes from school?"

Eren sits up properly and coughs, "Oh yea why?"

"Could you send them to me or wait I have a better idea." Mikasa stops and Eren is waiting for what she's about to say.

"You're smart, can I come over so we could learn together?"

"At my place?" Eren asks eagerly.

There's a pause and then "Yes Eren, your place."

"O-okay, I'll send you the address."

There's a snicker on the other line and then she hangs up.

Eren sends her the address and stands up and takes a quick shower, wondering how long it's gonna take her to arrive here.

After he gets out of the shower there's a knock on the door,

"Oh fuck." Eren breathes and runs down the stairs with only boxers on and a towel on his head.

It's his mom.

"Hello kiddo." Carla laughs and puts down the groceries on the table,

Eren breathes out, false alarm and goes back up to his room.

"Hey wait here young man, how about helping me?" Carla asks and Eren turns around quickly.

"Can I maybe dress up and someone's coming soon."

"Who? Who's coming soon? Your friend Connie?" Carla asks as she goes to the kitchen room and the living room is combined with the kitchen. Eren follows her into the kitchen and helps store the groceries in the fridge.

"No, not Connie." Eren laughs. Recalling how Connie once came to Eren's house for a nintendo game.

A pause. "A girl?" Carla asks slowly and quietly.

"Yea mom. Technically it's a girl from my class."

"Oh god, I gotta make a nice dinner then and you dress up, wear something nice. This may be your only chance at getting a girlfriend and hopefully a future wife." Carla states and Eren instantly blushes.

"Mom!! She's not my date or anything, she's coming here only to learn, we have a Physics test tomorrow."

"Oh." Carla mutters and then goes to drink a glass of water.

After an hour of preparing everything, Eren even helpes his mom prepare the food, he decided to wear a normal white shirt and black pyjama pants as he thinks she'll only come here to learn so why dress up.

"So when will she arrive?" Carla asks in anticipation, Carla however did dress up, in a dotted black dress and her hair is in a bun,

"Mom you didn't have to dress up." Eren says and rolls his eyes.

Carla chuckles, "Eren, I want to look perfect for her, what's her name again?"

"Mikasa." Eren answers with a hint of amusement.

"Oh right, I want to look perfect for Mikasa and she will hopefull-"

Carla gets interrupted as a knock sounds through their door.

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