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"You can't be serious! I won't tell anyone about you or your fucking business." I rage, I still can't believe him.

"As much as I want to believe you, I can't just stop making business with you, what if you run to the police?" Levi rubs his chin and examines me with his dead eyes.

"I won't, you know I won't. Obviously the police would suspect me of trading too so again I ask you why do you think I would sell you out?" I ask him, I'm not dumb enough to go to the police, that way I would only sell myself out too.

"The last guy that worked for me said the same things that you just said and then went around telling and do you know what happened to him?" Levi asks, sitting on the couch. I shake my head but deep down I know the answer. I bet he doesn't even want to negotiate and just tells me this just to spite me.

"My people killed him. Murdered him in his sleep. His parents were shocked. Then they found out he was selling drugs. Sad right? But poor little boy only wanted to gain a few pounds for his poor family. But now his family thinks low of him because he sold drugs." Levi tells me like this is all amusing to him.

"You're fucking sick." I furrow my brows at him and he has a smug grin plastered across his face at my statement.

"Don't worry though. I do hope that you're smarter than that guy. So I ask you again Eren do you want your family and everyone else to know that you sold drugs and get killed or do you want to work with me and get rich?" Levi asks, giving me two options where I can obviously only choose one. The thought of my family and everyone else knowing I sold drugs would destroy me. I don't want them to think low of me.

I regret ever getting into this deal with him.

"So what's the answer?" He interrupts my racing thoughts, snapping the last bit of patience I had.

"Fine! Fuck fine! I'll do it. I'll work for you!" I tell him and he raises his eyebrow not expecting my answer. He is only in school for one more month then I'll get rid of him anyway. One more month.

"That's good. Now deliver it." He states sharply.

I drove to school and placed the bag of drugs to a random locker, this time I didn't know the person and that was good that way. I didn't want to get deeper in this mess than I already was, I didn't want to know the people that buy shit from this asshole. I still can't believe Bertholdt bought from him. While I'm at school anyway I go to my locker and grab my notes to learn.

I learn the entire night and eventually drift off to sleep, after my phone buzzes I literally feel like shit. I haven't eaten anything last night instead I stuffed myself with energy drink after energy drink. I roll off my bed and rub my eyes, it's 6:30.

My eyes burn and I walk to the bathroom and turn the faucet on to splash some ice cold water on my face. I brush my teeth and quickly dress myself as usually. A random black striped shirt and blue jeans.

I stroll down the stairs and my dad is off to work, my mom is still sleeping and I wonder if I should wake her but her phone will ring anyway so I let her sleep longer. I take an apple from the counter and bite into it then I chug some orange juice into my glass. I have to hurry it's already 7:10.

I quickly gulp down the remaining drink and grab my phone from the charger and my bag, I take my calculator and throw it in my bag. Then I throw my blouse jacket on, since it's a bit cooler. I haven't washed it and Mikasa's smell is still on it, I can't help but sniff it. It smells like her, so good.

I leave and hurry, I don't want to be late. As always I walk to school, school is only 30 minutes on foot for me. So why take the bus?

I finally reach the gates and enter the school frontdoors, I realize that I'm actually 10 minutes early.

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