641 22 14

Warning: blood + period mention. 🩸


Mikasa's pov

My cramps are killing me. I took some ibuprofen but the pain won't stop, my face is all pale and I feel like I could vomit any second. I silently whine in pain as I clench my teeth. Mello enters the room and brings me a heated pad, placing it on my nightstand. I'm too weak to even reach across it, I'm in my bed dying. Instead of saying anything I whine louder which makes her leave. I hate periods. I hate them deeply.

My mom always told me that she had bad period pain too when she was a young girl but apparently after marriage and sleeping with dad they disappeared.

I hate that, why would they disappear after I slept with a man? Does that mean I have to sleep with a man so they disappear? Are we so weak that we have to sleep with a man to make them disappear? I hate that thinking and my uterus cramps even more,

Suddenly I think about it with Eren, my pain disappears for a quick second but I quickly put it in the back of my mind. I would never sleep with Eren, I only know him since 4 weeks or something.

The pain appears again more sharp now, "Oh god. Please kill me." I groan as the pain increases and I grab the bucket which was next to my bed and place it between my legs. I wait to vomit but nothing happens. I feel uncomfortable, I have a pad on but I feel as the blood drips from my uterus and lands on the pad, I shift a little but the discomfort doesn't go away.

The pain is killing me so I take two fingers and place them in the back of my throat, I make a gagging sound but nothing happens so I place them back there again making a gagging sound then I finally vomit.

After vomiting I took a nap and wake up around 5. It's so late and I couldn't even learn anything. The pain in my abdomen is still there but not hurthing that much.

My mom enters the room, "Honey, I heard you vomit." My mom stands on the doorway. Since when is she here? Did she come back from her business trip alteady?

I can't even respond so I just close my eyes and lay on my side. "I told you we should get you on the pill." She presses and my eyes snap open.

"No, I don't want the pill. It is so bad for my body, I told you already." I tell her and she sighs. I told her 100 times already that the pill is so bad for the body, it's so hormonal and I could go on about the side effects.

"Whatever, have fun with your cramps then." She tells me and leaves my room, I hate her. I absolutely hate her.

I hear my dad and her arguing over dinner and Mello listening to music. I press a pillow on my face, trying to get rid of their noises. They're all so fucking annoying.

I slept again and wake up as the sun is peeking through my blinds. I pull them up and open the window for some fresh air. I stand up and pour myself some tea, this shoul help me calm down.

Mel enters the kitchen, she stretches her arms and yawns, then she sits on the dining table pouring herself some cereals.

"Did you survive?" She asks, hinting at my period cramps and I grab a spoon of sugar and swirl it in my tea.

"Yea." I tell her, "Get ready."

She takes so long to get ready and I want to get early again just to talk to Armin or maybe Eren if he isn't gonna be an ass again today.

After she's done with her cereals she takes at least 30 minutes to get ready, her face full of makeup and her hair in a bun. She's dressed in a white tank top and grey jeans. She has a cardigan on top. Today I only did my eyeliner and put fake lashes on. I put on a navy shirt and leather jacket on top, black sweatpants underneath. I didn't bother to style my hair, instead I pinned back my bangs and put my hair in a low pony. I know I look like shit but I'm on my period and I could care less about my looks.

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