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"Why did you make an outburst when Jean tried to go upstairs with me?" Mikasa asks Eren curiously and he can't really deny the truth.

"Well because I don't like him and I don't know, you were so quiet and I didn't want him to take advantage of you." Eren mutters and Mikasas eyes soften as she's listening.

"Oh, yea. Don't worry, I don't like him either, I mean he's such an ass." Mikasa insults Jean and Eren laughs.

"And I don't know if you noticed but he probably likes you."

"Who? Jean?" Mikasa asks and Eren nods.

"Oh yeah, I know." Mikasa makes a disgusting sound.

"And the way he was looking at you, he's such a perv." Eren recalls and Mikasa nods.

"You should be careful." Eren advices Mikasa quietly. Mikasa raises her thin eyebrow at him.

"What? You think I'm scared of him?" Mikasa laughs and Eren shrugs.

"I pulled you away from him, I saved you from getting a blue eye, I'm definitely stronger than you, Eren." Mikasa boasts simply and Eren chuckles.

"That was just the adrenaline..." he says quielty and Mikasa pauses for a moment.

And then she jumps on top of Eren and holds him down.

"What...are you doing?" Eren asks as Mikasa is holding up Eren's wrists and pins him down on the bed.

Eren's eyes dilate and his face turns red, when Mikasa realizes what's going on, she quickly lets go off him and sits on the edge of the bed,

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were on a bed." Mikasa mutters quietly and Eren sits up.

Mikasa is embarassed as to what happened and tries to hide her face,

Eren takes her hand away from her face and looks into her dark gray eyes, her eyes are dark just as his are. "Don't be embarrassed, Mikasa. You did nothing wrong." Eren reassures her and cups her face in his hands.

Mikasa nods slowly and looks into his dark green eyes, she slowly relaxes into his hands and doesn't feel embarrassed anymore.

Mikasa's heart is jumping out of her chest and she takes all the courage that's left in her and kisses him on the lips. Eren doesn't break the kiss and kisses her back with more passion, Mikasa places her hand on his neck and pulls him closer, he breaks the kiss only to move to her neck, he takes off the chain that she's wearing and almost breaks it, he throws it on the ground and gently plants kisses on her neck which drive Mikasa insane and she lets out a stiffled moan. 

"Guys what-." The door makes a click sound and opens revealing Armin.

Mikasa jumps away from Eren and Eren falls on the ground, "Ouch" Eren grunts and Mikasa can't hold in her laugh.

Armin looks like he saw a ghost.

"Armin please don't tell them what we did here." Eren pleads and tries to get up.

"He's too wasted anyway, I mean look at him. Poor dude probably thinks we had sex." Mikasa comments and Eren turns to her.

"Damn Armin why did you come in here? I could be having the night of my life!"

"What's that supposed to mean? Wasn't what we just did good for you?" Mikasa stands up from the bed and crosses her arms. Eren's eyes widen, "No no that's not what I meant.. I mean what we did was great." Eren tries to save himself but Mikasa won't buy it.

"Guys I only wanted your help, I can't zip up my pants." Armin interrupts them and Eren bursts out laughing.

"I'm out of here." Mikasa says and leaves.

"No, fuck wait." Eren tries to stop her but she's gone, after a few seconds Armin is still waiting in front of the door, the zip of his pants still open and Eren sighs.

"Well then I'll just zip up your pants instead." Eren booms sarcastically. Armin however smiles and pats Erens back.

"Lets go join the others." Eren tells him and doesn't say another word to him.

They both go down the stairs and enter the chill room.

Jeans eyes widen as he sees Armin next to Eren but he doesn't do anything. Reiner is holding him in his seat somehow.

"Eren, it's your turn to spin the bottle." Ymir speaks and hands him the bottle.

"Actually lets play truth or dare." Reiner suggests.

"Fine." Historia agrees.

When Eren looks around, he can't find Mikasa anywhere. Eren thinks that he's the reason why she left and that his words hurt her and he hates himself. He thinks back about the passionate kiss they just shared and the fire that lit up inside him. He doesn't want the fire to burn out.

"I think I'll go." Eren speaks up and everyone turns to him.

"Ok boomer." Ymir blurts and Historia laughs. "Want me to drive you?" Reiner asks but Eren shakes his head.

"I'm fine and I haven't even drank anything so I'm good to go." Eren shrugs and leaves the room, waving to everyone except Jean of course.

When he's about to leave, all the girls in the hall are waving at him and hoping for him to come next time.

Not when Mikasa isn't here, Eren thinks to himself and almost kicks himself. He only knows her for one day. How can he be thinking so much about her already.

Before he grabs the door handle, a small hand pushes him outside. Eren knows that this can't be Mikasa, because the small hand isn't gentle and much more forced.

When Eren turns, he finds Historia. What does she possibly want from him.

"Did you hook up with her?" Historia asks curiously and the cold smell of red wine mixed with mint gum hits his face.

"No, what makes you think that?" Eren asks confused. He doesn't want to tell them what was going on there, it's only between him and Mikasa.

"Your lips are red. Her lipstick must've stained obviously." Historia smirks and nudges his arm playfully and Eren almost punches himself.

"We only kissed, nothing more." Eren defends himself and tries to go but Historia stops him.

"I just want to warn you, that girl doesn't date. All she does is break guys hearts. That's why everyone was watching your table today. You might be her new target." Historia warns him and Eren laughs.

"Very funny joke, let me guess Jean's idea?" Eren laughs and Historia looks at him dead serious.

"It's not a joke Eren! And if you don't believe me, ask Reiner." Historia crosses her arms and gains a disbelief look from Eren.

"I believe Reiner less than you." Eren states and Historia sighs.

"Whatever, I just think that you're a decent guy and you don't deserve to get your heart broken by a bitch like her." Historia

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