Chapter 52 - Chase

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Chase's POV

"Chase, move away from the water," Diego says in a stern voice, taking a step towards me. I shuffle a little closer to the babbling river behind me and he releases an exasperated whine. "Chaaaase! Cooperate with me!"

I pout, like the mature twenty four year old I am, and say, "but I want to go in the water, DiDi! Look how pretty it is!"

My eyes momentarily drift towards the sparkling, crystal clear water, revealing the clay coloured rocks on the riverbed. The gentle burble of the water lures me towards it.

"I don't have a change of clothes for you. You'll be cold and miserable on the way back, and you might even catch a cold!" Diego exclaims, slowly moving towards me. I shuffle closer to the water and Diego halts his progression.

"You should have told me to bring a change of clothes," I mumble, still pouting. How could he show me this beautiful island and then expect me to only want to stay for a few hours! Not to mention, he wants me to ignore this gorgeous water. "I'm going into the water!" I exclaim, taking a giant step closer to the river. I'm now right at the edge of the water, one more step and I'll be standing in it.

Diego releases an exasperated sigh. "Okay, but at least take off your clothes!"

I squeal at the suggestion and duck my head, not sure if I want him to see me shirtless as yet.

"I just... that's not what... Oh my god!" Diego rubs the back of his neck as he takes a few deep breaths. "What I mean is that the water is colder than you think and you'll want dry clothes to change into. So you should take them off. If you get them wet, then you'll be stuck in cold, wet clothes until you get home."

"But then I'd be naked," I whisper, peeking up at Diego.

He looks thoughtful for a moment before replying. "I'll sit with my back to the water and you can go in or you only dip your feet in the water." He glances down at my feet. "Pray tell me why you haven't at least taken off your shoes!"

I giggle at his frustrated tone. I didn't start this with the intention of annoying him, but now it's actually quite fun!

After arriving on the island, Diego's staff served us an exquisite five course meal before departing, and I ate to my heart's content. Probably more than I should have, because I physically couldn't move after stuffing my face, so we chatted and cuddled on the couch for about an hour and a half.

After that, Diego suggested we take a quick tour of the island before we head back. I was surprised by how much he knew about the various plants on the island, as he continued his job as a self appointed tour guide.

When I heard the sound of the river, I immediately knew I had to see it and possibly go for a swim. But my annoyingly logical boyfriend won't let me because the water is 'cold' and 'I don't have a change of clothes'. Humph!

"Which one are you doing? Should I sit on that boulder over there or will you only wet your feet?" Diego asks again.

I really want to swim but I also want to spend time in the water with Diego. The problem is I don't want to be naked or shirtless in front of him, though I wouldn't mind seeing him shirtless. "I'll only wet my feet," I reply, still pouting a little. "And you'll come with me?"

Diego releases a sigh of relief, happy that I'm finally cooperating and not plunging head first, fully clothed into the chilly water. He holds his arms open and I giggle before rushing into them. He embraces me in a tight hug and murmurs against my hair, "you're quite the handful, aren't you?"

I giggle again, snuggling into the hug. After a moment I pull away and place my hands on Diego's cheeks, squishing them together. "Let's go swimming, angelfish!" Diego chuckles before giving me a skeptical look. "I mean, let's go dip our feet in the water!" I correct myself.

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