Ch. 9: Floating

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Phil's POV-

Waves. It came in waves. When a subscription came. A favourite. A comment. A video response. When I first stole a glance. When I saw the talent. When we pranked. We sang. We laughed. We cried. We bonded. He came. He stole. He destroyed. Me. Lost. Confused. He broke. She left. Me. There. We laugh. Drink tea. Watch films. Sleep. She. In my arms. Me. She. He. We. They. Us.

That is all I knew. Since that day I saw her subscription. I saw her icon picture and I thought she was perfect. I started watching her videos. Her covers. Her hair changes. I felt like I knew her. She once had a video of her talking about her dads death, she cried... I cried with her. And then she started commenting, I didn't know if I should've replied to her or not. I wanted to. I started to and then, she video responded me on my birthday. She sang me happy birthday. Thousands did, but hers. Hers stood out. Brightly in this dull world. She had whiskers and a furry lion hat on. I thought I fell in love. That was, until California came. I saw her. But I had to hide the fact that I fancied her, at least from afar. I played it off well, I even made Dan think he should be his good old old cheeky self with her. But, the thing is. All I wanted to do was tell her about her dad. And how I cried along side her. I didn't cry because I felt bad for her, or because it made me think of a death in my life, but because I knew that that is what I'm meant to do. Be there, her bestfriend, cry with her, laugh with her, lick ice cream off her cheek when there's no napkins, when she's ill, I'd make her soup and pop in her favourite film... I was supposed to have the 25th year anniversary with her. The vowel renewal at 85 years. Me. We. Us. But they happened. And I did all those things still, but from across the sea.

Today, it's January 11. Ten days after the incident. The accident. The change of fate. Skye has yet to leave. In fact she's back to making videos. Covers. And I'm there watching every beautifully constructed muscle she has move and dance at her command. If only she knew the way she made me move on command. Only her, she could control me in such an intimate way. She doesn't even have to say a word and I know what I must do.

"Last night I fell in love without you

The stars at night aren't as big and bright

As you make them out to be

And every aching wound will cauterize and bruise

In memory of what we used to call in love"

She sang these words to the camera. To her live stream. To herself. To Dan.

She was sat in front of my window, over looking a man mad miniature lake (they couldn't have called it a pond, could they. Said if it was made by women then it would be a pond... Sods.) the sun was setting and her now teal hair made the sunset more glorious. She finished singing and smiled. Her eyes looking to me. I looked to her. Her eyes didn't move, I kept lock on her vision. Not wanted to blink or lose one millisecond of the beauty of this, this muse. My eyes flicked to her lips. I could tell she registered what I was yearning for. And that's when it came her eyes flicked to my lips, she moved her vision back to my eyes and again to my lips. I felt her. Lingering. On me. And she hadn't even touched me. And that's when all the bravery that was meant to be in me, it decided, to pick me now. And I stood to my feet, I didn't even register the floating towards her. And it came.

Me. Her. We.

I places my hand on her cheek, she leaned into it. She placed her small hand on my neck, (exactly where my vein pops out when I'm reaching a level up on my games, or finishing a video, when everything is going just how I want it, and she knows what that vein means) I gulped. I leaned in, she gasped. She blushed, I left it lingering, a kiss on her forehead. I looked at her, breathed her in, she played with the hem of my collar. I placed my fingers under her chin, she followed my leading. She closed her eyes, I felt the wave.

A kiss that made we into an us.

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