Ch. 23: Branch

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Phil's POV-

We felt the rumble of the storm, lightning, thunder, shakes. Once the first drop of rain fell from the sky we, our new family, ran towards the cars to head to the chamber of secrets. We were 20 minutes away when the down pour came, "Well love, It doesn't look good. Should we let them stay the night?" I kissed her fingers. Worried, she but her nails and stared at the clouds. "Yeah, I don't like how it looks. I'll call the other cars and let them know." Dan and Ethan were in the back seats sleeping on each other, we had had a very long and fun day, and Dan was worn out. "Hey, yeah. Doesn't look too good. If you want to stay the night, we'd be glad to have you over. Yeah, no it's not a problem. Really, we want you guys to stay. Ok, see you there then." Skye hung up, her fingers playing with mine, "I love you." She whispered into my shoulder. "Ahwww. Pop! I love you too!" Ethan's head had popped up in between ours, Skye's laughter quickly filled the car, she rustled his hair and kissed his forehead. "You're going to be a good uncle to our little lion." He rubbed her belly, "I know. I'm excited for Ethan Jr to come." I laughed. "Why is it always Dan, Ethan, Bella, our neighbours and their grandmas name and jr. Why not me?" I false whined, giving them a cheeky grin. "Because Phil, you would want to name him Klepton Suril King of the Aardvarks, or something utterly ridiculous." Dan added from the back seat. The rest of the car ride was like that, witty, sarcastic massively cheeky and then baby naming came. "Sapphire!" "Paprika!" "Ethan!" "Pope" "Ethan!" "Freddie!" "Jr" "Larry!" "Ethan!" "Ethan!" We all yelled at him to shut up, his face got all bright and his smile was triumphant. "So it's decided, Ethan it is!" We all sighed in frustration. "I have an idea!" Skye beamed, poking Ethan's face, "ow, uhm. Is it to kill my gorgeousness. Because that's not happening!" She stopped and chuckled. "We should do a collab!" We nodded for her to go on, "Our fans don't know about the baby. At all, and what better way than in a family video! We can add our new family in them and do like a "Brady Bunch" theme... Or even better!!! Skins! Like the cool edgy beginning and the final clip is of everyone. Our individual videos intros can be that of us individually, and at the end make a separate one with the family!" She looked at us, waiting for a response. We just looked at her, she got really excited about it. "Yeah, Skye, lets do it. I really doubt we're gonna sleep much anyways." Dan answered.

Once back at home, Skye told the rest of the gang what we wanted to do, they had no objections. We decided to split it off by the four of us who have a channel and to take one of them and include them near the end. Skye took Andrea, I took Tommo, Ethan took Olive and Dan had Bella. Tommo and I were sat in my closet, "Hey guys! Just wanted to update you all on my life lately! But first say hello to my mate Tommo! You're gonna get to know him a lot better in these next videos." We did very minimal updates, waiting for the massive collab for the big news.

Eight of us, that's our new family, except for a few of my friends who weren't here, but the eight of us were getting closer. We had pushed the lovesacks together, Skye and I were in the front center while the rest of them piled around us. We had given them confetti, poppers and other things for the big news.

"Hey guys!" I said to the camera.

"Herro lovelies!" Skye beamed.

"We have massive news!" Dan spoke next.

"Get ready to fan girl! Or, uh, boy!" Ethan pitched in.

"We're having a baby!" Skye and I yelled! The poppers were going off and the confetti was flying everywhere. I handed Dan a handful of teal shimmers and pointed my finger "you'll know when" I mouthed. I pulled Skye towards the camera, my smile growing, I pulled out the ring that we hid from our family, Skye had her finger ready, slowly I placed the tree branch metal ring on her finger. "And we're getting married!" I kissed Skye, the mass behind us went wild, more yells and cheers. Her gaze went up, my eyes following, we looks at the shimmers floating down towards us. I kissed her forehead, resting my forehead on hers. "I love you." Everything behind us disappeared in that moment, it was just Skye, me and our growing little one. "I love you too."

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