Ch. 6: Key Lime

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Dan's POV:

I woke up in my bathtub. To be quite honest, I'm not sure if I wanted to move. All I remember is Phil: dialing Sady's number in my phone and walking out. I remember as soon as he shut the door, I broke down and did a sorry attempt of running to the bathroom, I felt sick. Not only did I lose my girl, I lost my best mate. I did what, I always made fun of those actors on the tv do, I cried in the shower. I wanted to feel everything wash away with the soap and murky water.

All I knew, is that I needed to get her back. I needed her in my life, I want to be her everything as she is mine. But, how...

I made my way to our vacant room to find something to wear. I couldn't look at our bed, the place where I made a mistake, my mistake. I couldn't even look at the door frame, it just showed me all the pain that was revealed in a matter of seconds. I looked at our closet and saw it stand still, they say that everything is hidden in the depths of our heart, a closet, but what I saw was just mine and nothing of her, not even a forgotten shirt or ruddy sock. Whoever 'they' who said that, must of known that once they are in the depths of our being, it feels like your whole world has gone silent and turned to a bleak... nothingness. My head, heart, closet, home screamed one thing...  get her back.

I put on some sweats and a v-neck and locked myself into my studio, doing the one thing, I knew best to do.

I made a video.

Sady's POV:

Well, I've been sitting in the wooded area next to the house, and well. I must say, I enjoy it out here. It really made me think about tonight. And what happened... I really am stupid, I know it. I did some stupid things, and I really can't take it back. And I can't go and talk to Dan about it or Skye. There's really only one thing to do, I must go back to LA....

And that is what I intend to do. It can't be erased or forgotten, but better me go home and not think about it. Leave it all here, yeah.

I'm going home.

Phil's POV:

I woke up holding Skye, I watched her for a bit, her persona was at rest, peaceful, delicate, almost pure, except for the streaks of tears that dried over on her cheeks. This was a normal thing when something happened that broke her, we'd go to my loft, I'd make her or buy her, depending on the time and the severity, key lime pie. She'd talk and I'd attentively listen, and she would cry. The first time we did this, I felt like a terrible friend to Dan, I thought maybe this was a bad thing to do, like we were having an affair or something, but it was completely innocent. The first time she cried, I didn't know what to do, should I wipe away her tear, get her tissues, I did what I knew I should've done, I held her. She froze for a bit the first time, but then she relaxed, and said in a small voice 'Thank you, this is exactly what I, need for you to do.' and from then on, this became a normal thing for us.

But this time, it was worse...

I did the normal routine, but got her her comfort drink, cherry Dr. Pepper, put cinematic orchestra on and held her before the tears came out. I could tell that all the crying made her tired and I led her to my bed, kissed her forehead and turned off the lights, before I left I heard, again in that small voice,

'Please Phil, please, I need you... Please don't hurt me too..'

Interwebbed. (Danisnotonfire, amazingphil love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora