Ch. 18: 9:20

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1. So, I'm such a twat. I've forgotten to upload this chapter. Again ): sorry

2. I'm changing my name everyone! Yay. It's sort of a pen name. But it's what I want to be called. Wooh. Just letting you know (:


Interwebbed is the first ever Danisnotonfire && Amazingphil fanfic that was written/uploaded on Wattpad. Cool right? I totes forgot to mention that a long time ago. Cough* roughly two years ago... Cough*

Anyways MASSIVE thanks for reading. We've reached 18,000 yesterday. WHAT?! Crazy.

Continue on lovely heads

Skye's POV-

Tangles. That's what I was in. My sheets. Phil. And myself. We were in knots and the harder I tried to loosen the hold, the tighter it got. I'd slowly pull myself away from Phil and start to work on the sheets, it was like he felt that my presence was gone, and his arms would find me again. It was like he was protecting me or he had to have me. My last attempt to loosen myself, he whispered. "Mmm. No." My hand instantly found his locks of hair and soothed them out, "No?" I whispered back. Nodding his head into my neck, "No. You mustn't leave me. All cold and lonely." My smile crept up slowly, we hadn't been like this in quite some time, it was always as if my fear of him hurting me kept this peace away. I adjusted myself, so I was half draped over him and our legs were in tangles. I just thought of the moment when the night Dan and I were over, and I was with Phil. Peaceful. Serene. Beautiful. The peace I felt in Phil's arms was like no other.

Two hours later we had finally gotten out of our bed and moved to our lovesack. "We're lazy..." I moaned as I stretched. Phil being Phil, decided to poke my tummy as I stretched, causing me to loose all air and curl up into a ball. "Phil......" I pouted at him. "Don't tell me that hurt?" He wrapped his body around me. "Sorta. But, Phil what are we doing today?" He glanced at his phone. "Shopping. Get ready. I nearly forgot..." He had a grave face on him. I got up and got dressed, it was a bit rainy so I didn't go for anything too nice or white. I wondered what he had nearly forgotten. "Phil. What had you almost forgotten?" He popped out of the bathroom long enough to toss his phone at me. I picked it up and looked at the calendar, "Crap. Well good thing you checked. It would've been terrible."

Once we had finally arrived to town we decided on a bit of Nando's for lunch. We had people stop us every so often for a picture or to tell us compliments. It was a bit hard to not tell my Skyedivers that I was going to be on a label soon, but I loved seeing them wanting that for me.

Once we had finally gotten to some stores we couldn't figure out what to buy. "What about this?" Was thrown around a lot. A few hours later we were empty handed, except for something we saw that we couldn't leave the store with, we were sat in Starbucks. Sipping on my tea, I noticed a small book on the table across from me. I flipped through the hand made pages and, it dawned on me. "Phil?" He looked at me whilst sipping on his tea. "Yeah?" I handed him the book. "To the nearest craft store." We dashed to the closest store and bought everything we thought would create something to the effect I was reaching for. Phil needed to go back to Zara, he knew exactly what would match this project. Before we got home, we stopped by a store to print out a massive amount of pictures. "Do you think he'll like it?" I played with his fingers. "He better," he smiled at me, "Skye, he's going to love it. First, it's made by us. Second, he has no choice. And third, I doubt this could beat any other thing that surprises him." I let my head fall onto his shoulder, the drive home wasn't long but it did get me thinking. "He's going to have a birthday he would never forget. I will make sure of it." I tried to hide my 'I'm plotting something' face as best as I could. I had a month to get this plan to work. One month to change a fate.

Phil's POV-

"Hello mum." My mum had ringed me a few minutes after we had walked through the door. "Phil, how are you. And my lovely Skye. You're still treating her with respect and love?" I laughed. "Mum, of course I am. You taught me how. But, we're fine. We've actually just walked through the door." She questioned me about my day and Skye some more. I then gave Skye a look for help. "Phil, is that your mum?!" Skye spoke quite loudly. "Yeah." I love this woman. "Can I speak with her?! I miss her dearly!" I quickly handed her the phone, kissed her forehead and mouthed "Thank You", she rolled her eyes and mouthed back "You owe me."

I went to my room and changed into some sweats. It was nearly midnight and I needed sleep, but my ears got the best of me. I was listening to Skye talk to my mum, "Haha. No, we're not engaged yet. No. Yes, of course. No don't be silly. We must. To visit? Yes. They would enjoy that very much. Oh, dear me. Well then, yes we'll visit real soon, promise. Thank you. Love you too. Bye!" I didn't know I was holding my breathe, but once she said 'bye' I exhaled. My mum would talk about an engagement.

I fell asleep soon after that.

A loud, hoarse noise drug me out of sleep. It was coming from the bathroom. I checked the clock and it read 3:15 am. I stumbled towards the bathroom and as soon as I opened the door, my heart almost stopped. Skye was hunched over the toilet, the aroma of her being sick was thick in the room, her head drenched in sweat, she was pale, she looked almost dead. "Skye. What- what's going. I'm taking you to a doctor." She didn't reply or move, I quickly scooped her up and set her on our bed. I ran to our kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and cold rag. I packed a small bag of clothes for her, just in case the visit would be extended. I packed our things and Skye in the car, slowly I placed the rag on her head. She didn't react to much, she just was still, the only movement came from her chest, slowly moving up and down. Her being sick drained her, it forced her. I drove as quickly as I could to the hospital. I checked her in at 4:20. Sitting, tapping my feet and loads of watching the doors. At 6:00 I finally got a word from a nurse that everything seemed normal. Relief, watching the little girl in front of me playing with a doll, playing with my shirt hem. At 8:37 I was asked to go to Skye's room. Counting my steps, my breathes and seconds until I saw her again. At 8:40 I held my girl again. Kissing her forehead, not wanting to let go, breathing and heart rate back to normal. At 8:55 I met her doctor. Silence.


9:20 changed my life.

At 9:20 I found out that Skye, I...

We, are going to be parents.

I know, I know. Always happens in stories. But I've been planning this since the first chapter and I finally figured it out. So.

Interwebbed. (Danisnotonfire, amazingphil love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora