Ch. 29: Omega

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This the final chapter of Interwebbed.

But have no fear, there will be a prologue.



Dan's POV-

Something in the way she moves. Attracts me like no other lover. Something in the way she woos me. I don't want to leave her now. You know I believe, and how.

Skye has been belting it out forever now. I think she's nervous. Well we all are, you see. Her water broke. 6 hours ago and now we're all sitting in the waiting room. Phil is pacing. Ethan and Oli are snapping tons of pictures. Bells is laying across some seats, taking a nap. And I'm off for a coffee break. We've been waiting for a while, 5 hours, for the show to start. The doctors are supposed to get Phil and I suited up to go help and for me to film this gross thing. I'm not excited to see a little head pop out of her. But I'm excited to hold my godson for the first time.

I slowly walk to the cafe and look around. There's not a lot of people here. Which I think is good, the less sick and dying people, the better. "A coffee please. Two milk and two sugars." The coffee lady prepares my coffee, I can't believe it's been 5 hours already. By the first hour we were all jittery and excited. And now we just want it to be over with. I wonder how Skye feels.

Skye's POV-

"Ok, Skye. You are almost dilated enough. I expect another half hour until we can start the procedure. I'll have the nurses get Phil and Dan ready. Now don't worry, the best thing you can do for the baby right now is to keep calm." I breathed out slowly and nodded my head. "Thank you doctor." Every contraction is worse and more frequent, and I wish I could just pop him out already. 'Child birth is beautiful' is probably the worst thing to say about child birth. There's a little human inside of me, that's so creepy. I feel like the queen alien or something. Agh. 25 mins pass and in walks a newly washed and nurse robed Phil and Dan. "Hey babe." Phil comes over to me and kisses my forehead. Dan is at the end of the room, setting up. I'm not sure why I accepted the offer of having this filmed. I guess it's a typical family video thing, but I'm pretty sure loads of followers don't want to see this. Well they won't see anything under the blanket thing the doctors laid over my bottom half. Praise Jesus for that, I'd scar some people for life. The doctor and nurses walk in and set up also. "Ok Skye." The doctor was checking my dilation again. "You are perfect. Ready to start?" I shook my head no. "Yes. I don't want to. But yes. Lets get this over with." He chuckled at me. "Phil. Remember what we told you. You're our mood setter ok." Phil nodded. "Skye, if you feel stress building, Phil will be assisting you in neutralising it. Ok. Skye we are starting. I need you to do your breathing and pushing. Ok, go!"

And that is when all hell broke loose.

2 hours later.

"Babe. You did so good." Phil brushed my wet bangs away from my forehead. It's over. It's done. He's here. And he's beautiful. The nurses were cleaning him off and doing the usual check ups. It won't be for a little while until I get to hold him. Phil was cleaning me off of all the sweat I produced... Ew.

"Congratulations!" A fresh faced nurse came to us. "So, what are we naming him?" She had taken out the 'new baby' paperwork. I looked over at Phil and he nodded. "Daniel Moose Lester" Dan's head popped up towards me. "You named him after me?" We nodded our heads. "Yep. Who else?" He chuckled. "You know Ethan is going to kill me, right?" We nodded our heads again. "It's okay, we told him next go round." Phil and Dan decided to be the cute kids that they are and try to squeeze into the medical bed with me.. It took about an hour until we could see little Dan. And then the glorious moment came, the doctor brought out our little one. "Phil, Skye, Dan Senior: I present. Little Dan." Little Dan was wrapped in an Aztec blanket, previously sneaked into the nurses hand. His little head was sticking out. Dr. Harold placed little Dan in my arms. "Hi baby. I'm your mummy." Let's just say I cried a lot today. Phil looked at him and from that look, you could tell he was proud. "I'm your papi." I chuckled at his horrible accent. "I'm the first Dan. And from now on, I'm Dan the bestest and you're baby Dan." I gave him a look. "I'm kidding. I'm your new role model." Phil gave him a look. "Fine, I'm your uncle. The cool uncle." We kinda just watched him, as he opened his eyes and stared at us. He is a gorgeous baby. He has curly black hair and his eyes are bright grey. "Can we give him a Mexicany nick name?" Phil begged, again. "Danielito. Dansito. Danis. Pablo. Pepe. Uhm?" He pondered it. Dan had gone to go get the group, while we laid on the bed and played with Dan. "I kinda like Danis. [Said like Dan-ees]" Phil played with Danis fingers. "Me too." We snuggled closer and held Danis real close to us. "Honey, I'm home!" Ethan whispered once he opened the door. I watched all their faces light up, they slowly walked towards us. "He's so beautiful." Bells whispered. "He's going to be a heart breaker." We all chatted and took pictures and documented this day.

"Kids. It's time to go home!" Doctor Harold told them that the visiting hours were over. "Come back tomorrow if you like. Skye and Little Dan will be out of here in a few days." They all slowly backed out of the room, making the most of the time. "Can we please stay doctor?" Dan asked. The doctor pondered it for a moment and then sighed. "Yes, you may. Just don't cause a ruckus." Bells laughed. "Ruckus. Who do you think we are?!" She half gasped. We all sat around and on my bed and stared at Danis until he got taken to the nursery.

"I'm hungry." I groaned. "Don't worry, we came prepared." Dan pulled out a cooler from the hallway. "Brought your favourites."

2 days later.

"January 13, 2013

Peter Pan, I know why you didn't want to grow up. I never wanted to either. But, I think growing up is the best bit of living. Because doing what you love and making sure that that's what you're doing, that's what it's all about. I still have my adventures, I mean, I have little Dan now. So, I'm gonna have to teach him how to be the coolest kid ever and how to be as adventuress as you. Well Peter, I'm off. It's time to take little Dan home. Talk to you soon."

I closed the journal Dan got me, I named him Peter Pan, it suits him. I was sitting in a wheel chair waiting for the nurse to bring out little Dan. Big Dan was off talking to Bells, which by the way, I think are going to start dating, finally. Ethan and Oli were filming away, "For the sake of family videos!" Oli kept saying. And I didn't know where the rest of the group were, but I'm glad half of the family is here. The nurse finally came out with Phil. "Ready babe?" I nodded my head. Dan pushed me, while Phil was holding the car seat.

We drove the quiet drive home, and I just stared at Danis. "I'm not sure how I feel about him growing up with a superstar mum, a famous dad, and equally as famous god dad and friends." Bells shook her head. "He better be proud that you've accomplished so much." When we got home, I slowly stepped out, and Phil picked me up bridal style while Dan carried Little Dan. Bells opened the door and I couldn't believe what I saw. My family, Phil's Family, Dan's mum, and the rest of our little family were all standing in the living room. "We came to see him. And cook you a meal, give you loads of gifts and make sure that the first night home was with everyone that loves you." My mami spoke. It was a wonderful night. And I couldn't have been more blessed.

Once it was time to put little Dan to sleep, I told them to follow me.

I placed little Dan in his slytherin bed.

I watched as he watched me with his big eyes, and slowly started to hum and then softly sing him to sleep.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy

Close your eyes,

Have no fear,

The monster's gone,

He's on the run

And your mummy's here.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy,

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy.

Before you go to sleep,

Say a little prayer,

Every day in every way,

It's getting better and better,

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy,

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy.

Out on the ocean, sailing away

I can hardly wait

To see you come of age

But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

Cause it's a long way to go,

A hard row to hoe

Yes it's a long way to go,

But in the meantime...

Before you cross the street,

Take my hand,

Life is just what happens to you while you're busy making other plans...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy ...."

Interwebbed. (Danisnotonfire, amazingphil love story)Where stories live. Discover now