Ch. 27: Torn

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Omilanta! We're at chapter 27!

That's crazy! Well, last chapter it was a flashback and it was supposed to be in two POV's, but I was getting yelled at.. So I only did Phil's. This chapter is going to be in multiple POV's and they will also be in flashbacks. Yay!

I only have a few, like really, chapters left. And for the two year anniversary of Interwebbed I was hoping on doing:

1. A Q&A (so pm your questions)

2. Announcing something major! Woooh.

3. Rewriting Interwebbed and making it about fake people and hopefully selling it to an audience. Also adding way more detail and massive (longer).

4. Upload a YouTube video of me singing some of the prominent songs of this book. So if you want to see my face and hear my voice, let me know. I'll put my YouTube channels name somewhere. Haha.

Now for Interwebbed.

Dan's POV-

"It's over." Echo. "No." Was that my voice? I sounded like a child, so little and delicate, breakable.

She started to walk away from our current position of sitting on the couch, to our room. I stared at her, watched as she started packing her things into bags.

"I'm sorry, I just can't anymore." She held my cheek. "I'll explain later ok. Just, right now, I can't stay here much longer." She kissed me, and I held on to those lips for what felt like nothing. And as fast as they were on me, warm, I felt the hard hitting cold that came as she broke away. I felt frozen in time, I couldn't move. I couldn't stop her from packing. I couldn't stop her from walking out the door. I couldn't stop her from breaking me.

I sat on the couch, curled in a ball and watched the door. If she walked back in, I had to see her. I thought this was all a dream, like I would wake up from it and start panting and turn over and she'd be laying next to me sleeping sound. But it wasn't, it was a cruel nightmare that I couldn't escape, I couldn't pinch myself awake, and I couldn't redirect my dream for her to be back. It felt like minutes, maybe hours had passed.. But it's been days, maybe even a week. I heard people knocking on my door, I couldn't move. I heard them call out to me, my throat was dried. I saw my mum, Phil, and seldom others walk in, sit on the ground and talk, my eyes never left the door. I could see the despair in their eyes, but really it was my reflection I saw.

(Fast forward a bit)

"I- I'm sorry. I miss you. I need you. I crave you. I want you. I- I love you." My eyes watched her, studied her face and motions for any hint of truth or lie. And I couldn't find any.. "I miss you too. I, I'm sorry though. It wont be the same." She reached out for my cheek, I felt my neck take control of my head and move it away from her touch. "You asked me here for a reason. I don't have much time, I have a plane to catch." Her brown eyes grew a bit dull and she sighed heavily. She kept opening her mouth and then closing it, twisted strands of her blonde hair between her thumb and pointer finger. "I was mad. Mad at everything and everyone, and you. You were the only good thing in my life. My family: didn't care. Friends: nowhere to be found. Work: didn't get me enjoyment anymore. YouTube: made me nostalgic. I missed the older days, where my life was filled with love. And I couldn't handle only being loved by you, because if you ever left me.. I would be broken. So I left you before you could leave me. I'm so in love with you it's killing me. Dan, I've made massive mistakes, I didn't know what to do. I ran from the one person that made me feel whole, I don't know how to be me without you. I don't know how to breathe, sleep, walk, eat, live while knowing that you're doing the same without me. Dan, what I'm really trying to say is, I want you back. I need to be able to breathe again, I need to be with you, I need to have you as mine." Her brown eyes started watering, her head slowly hung low. My fingers found her chin, I wiped away the tears, "Em, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. I love you, I miss you, I wish it could go back, but it's been 7 months. 7 long months." I kissed her cheek. "Give me time, I'm going to LA for a little while, and when I get back.. I'll let you know what I want." I kissed her forehead, I let me lips longer on her skin, skin that I haven't felt in months.. "Bye Em." I got up, I couldn't look back, not yet. I walked towards the security line, finding Phil already passed security and waiting on the other side of the barrier. I fought the urge and lost, I looked back towards Emily, but she wasn't there anymore. Making my way towards the guard, slipping my shoes and jumper into a bin, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "I'm not sure I can wait that long.." I sighed and looked around for her, she was standing in a corner, watching me. "Bye Em" that's all I could type out. "You can walk through now sir." My attention diverted back towards the machine and guard.

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