Ch. 17: Fate

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Update from Chelle.

1. I totes didn't stick to my schedule, sooo I will be updating today and tomorrow. (:

2. I updated Breathe In, Breathe Out! Go check it out. It's my heart and I hope y'all will enjoy it.

3. Yeah. That's about it. Go read Breathe In, Breathe Out.

I think you'll like this chapter...

Phil's POV-

I was standing at our door for 15 minutes, keys in hand and fear dripping down my face. I was nervous to walk into our home, I let out a defeated sigh and pushed the key into the lock. "Ok. Here goes.." I slowly pushed the door open and saw a glowing light coming from my room. I locked the door and lightly walked over to look for Skye. I found her laying in our bed, lap top playing The Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 and head phones in. I could see spells flying everywhere, the second wizarding war was crazy. Skye had her back to me, I tried my hardest to not make a lot of bed movement as I climbed in. I didn't want her to know I was home. I carefully wrapped my arms around her, I felt her shaking. I looked at her screen and saw her reflection, she had red eyes, puffy cheeks and tears running down her face. I pulled out her head phones and lifted her chin a bit. "What's wrong?" She shook a little harder and sniffled.

"Why do all good things have to be ruined?" She asked in a small voice. I could tell she wasn't talking about the movie. I pulled her body up and wrapped myself over her. "Skye, I don't know. Entropy, that's the factual evidence. But really, it's fate." She closed her eyes. "I'm still mad." I nuzzled my head into her hair. "But, you never are mad for longer than a day."

We laid there, like that for a while. Skye gradually stopped crying and she relaxed.

"You know what I hate and love at the same time?" She didn't wait for my response. "You're my bestfriend. You always have been. I loved you before you knew me. And you loved me before I knew you knew I existed. You knew things about me before I had to open that dark part to you.. I could tell you everything, even before we started dating. And I still can. You were the male Sady. Except, you never once tried to over step my boundaries. And the thing that scares me is, if you ever hurt me.. Or if we ever break up.. I don't know who to turn to.. So I guess.. Well I want to know.. Are you cheating on me?" I knew she had contemplated asking me this. "No. Skye, never. Skye... It's fate. That's all it is. Everything. It was fate. Because I didn't know that my vloggings would get me popular. And that popularity would lead to meetings and you finding my videos. I didn't know that Dan and I's trip to LA and my food taste's would lead to meeting you. And I sure as hell didn't know that you and Dan would date. And that Sady would do that. And I never once thought through out that time, that I would end up here. You in my arms. The girl I saw on a screen crying, and the ironic thing is I saw you on a screen crying but because of me. It's all fate." I kissed her cheek. "You know, it's really hard keeping secrets from you, and I already asked you to not let me give away this surprise..." She turned herself to look at me. "Phil, I already know you bought me a turtle.." She looked at me dead serious. "Wait, you found Turtle?!" She laughed, "You didn't name him Turtle because of Harry Styles did you?" I laughed. "He gave me the idea when I interviewed him... But, Turtle isn't the surprise... And she's not a boy." She looked confused. "What?!" She almost yelled. "She's a girl..." She gave me a look. "Not that... What's the surprise?" I just held her tighter. "The surprise.. It's fate."

The next morning I woke up to Skye in my arms. It had been such a long time since I've seen her glow. I laid there playing with her hair, she started stirring. "Phil, I really really want some Barbeque crisps." I slowly got up and walked over to our kitchen, I rummaged through the cupboards. "We don't have any. Want me to run to the store?" I waited to hear her moan a yes to me. Once I received the answer I threw on some shoes and walked to the store right next to our building, luckily we didn't need to go far for these cravings or emergency food stocking. I bought two huge bags of crisps, a bottle of orange Fanta, Dr. Pepper, 4 pack of Monsters, Malteases and a package of Oreos. We weren't the healthiest eaters, but we enjoyed what we could while we still can. Once I got home, I grabbed our snack bowl, it had a big dip in the middle and 4 medium dips surrounding it, I placed her crisps in the bigger dip and in the medium dips I put my crisps, Oreos, twizzlers and the Malteases. I also grabbed us cups with our drinks and brought it to our bed. To my surprise she wasn't there. "Skye?" I heard a muffled reply coming from the bathroom. She reappeared a few minutes later, "Sorry, I felt ill. I threw up actually. I think it's probably because I ate too much ice cream last night." I rubbed her tummy when she returned to bed. We ate our 'breakfast' and watched a film. "We're going out tonight, ok?" I asked half way through the film. She simply nodded her head.

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