Ch. 2 Anniversary

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Dans Pov-

"Phil, what do I get her.?" I was talking to Phil on the phone, "Uhm, get her a lion.?" he didn't know what to get her either, he hadn't had a girlfriend in a really long time. "That doesn't help, she doesn't even like lions, wait, where would I even get a live lion." I started pacing the room, "Phil," I whispered, "what if I get her a new mic and a better camera.?" Phil laughed, "Why didn't I think of that.?" We laughed, "Ok, I'm going to the store, I'll chat with you later mate." Skye was at work, and I was trying very hard to surprise her for tonight, I had gotten everything ready. An old friend of mine that lives near Hollywood was coming up to play music for us, my mum had ordered and paid for me to get a bunch of roses, lillys and sunflowers. And my dad had suggested I made food that wasn't fancy but just regular. I decided on making chinese food,since that was her favourite, and now I'm jogging to Skye's car to go to the store. It had only been 2 months since I met her, and on that first day, after our meeting we called her up so she could give us a ride home. On the way to our hotel, she pointed out the beach, where she was going to do a gig. "I'm in a band, and today is our first show since our new record came out." She smiled, "If you guys want to come.." she began, "We would love to.!" I blurted out, stupid Dan, don't scare her. She smiled again, "GREAT. I'll just drop you guys off at home after then."

She was amazingly talented, she could sing like no one else that I have ever heard. Ever since that day, we texted each other everyday, she invited us to random places, and we invited her over to play video games or help us make some videos. At first, I thought she fancied Phil, but one a very special Monday night, that was exaclty one month ago, Phil got up to leave. "I'm going to the store, I want some peeps." He smiled and winked at Skye, "Phil, it's the middle of July, and you want some peeps." I laughed at him. "Yes, mate, those devilish little birds are chirping my name. I'll be back later." The closest store was about half an hour away on the taxi and 50ish minutes on the bus. Then I realized that I was by myself with Skye. "So," I didn't know what to say to her. She got up and laid in a bed, I don't think she knew who's bed was who's, but she laid in Phils. I smiled, she yawned. "I'm a bit tired, want to take a nap.?" She asked cooly, I just looked at her. she was wearing a black tube top looking dress and some black short shorts under, white toms, that she drew all over, and her hair was messy and curly like she hadn't brushed it in a while, and she wasn't wearing her contacts. "Sure," I got up and laid in my bed, not trying to intrude her space, "goodnight" I smiled and closed my eyes, I laid there in the silence, thinking what to say, or what to do, should I lay next to her, or should I say something to her, I mean she is tired, what to do. I think I should atleast put the blanket on top of her. I opened my eyes to see her standing infront of me, she smiled again, I lifted myself on my fore arm and looked at her. She laughed, I let out a little laugh, and closed my eyes to think about what was happening. When I opened my eyes again, she wasn't infront of me or on Phil's bed, then I felt someone laying down next to me. "Oh hey," Iaughed."Hello, I just thought maybe we could talk or nap, which ever." She smiled, she smiles so much, I just nodded my head. and turned on my righ side and lifted myself on my fore arm again, her head was under my chin, she started drawing out the lines of my face with her fingers. And then I felt sparks from where she was drawing with her fingers. I relaxed and layed my head right above hers, she placed her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my stomache, I wrapped my arm around her waste and her stomache. "Good night, Dan is not on fire." How wrong was she, where ever she rested her arms, hands and head my body was engulfed with fire. A fire that burned better and more welcoming than I have ever felt. She looked up at me, and I looked at her, "Hey Dan do you--" I cut her off with my lips, "yes, I want to be your boyfriend." She laughed, "I wasn't going to ask that, but I do like that." She smiled and I smiled, and then we fell asleep.

20 minutes later of course I felt something movind on my lips and face, thinking it was Skye, I let it happen. Then I heard laughing, I opened my eyes to see Phil and Skye playing with peeps, recording me sleeping and village of peeps all over my body. "Good morning, sunshine." Phil yelled. "HELP, HELP, HE'S GOING TO ---" Then I bit the peep that was holding over my mouth.

One month ago, was probably the most exciting day of my life. I got the girl that I always saw on tumblr, the girl that was in every music video, the girl that not many people were friends with because they were stuck up, but my girl, my girl was different.

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