Ch. 21: Ocean

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Ok. So.. I'm going to be writing a really long Authors Note today.... Haha. I'm just really excited about everything. If you want to skip this or read specific notes, they will be bolded and I will indicate (like always, when Interwebbed will start)  Today's chapter is going to be a bit short since...

Valentine's Day: So, I am single pringle. But, I'm ok with that, being 20 and yeah.. Haha. But, I'm planning tonights events for my two cousins and I, one is 17 and the other is 19. I'm building a fort and placing pillows on the floor, surrpounding us with lights and such. I'm making Shrimp Alfredo, salad && chocolate covered strawberries! Whoop. I woke up today to One Direction gifts, so today has been great! haha. If you want me to post pics of what I did, let me know. I'm legit going all out today.

History of Interwebbed: Ok, so I don't know... But, if you were wondering how and why I came up with the story concept... I am telling you today... c: The summer of 2011, I had just graduated High School and was about to embark to the middle-of-nowhere Texas for a one year Christian internship. I typically, depending on the mood of my older sister, sleep with my mum... So, I was 18, and I had developed 1. A crush on Daniel... 2. My inner self character.. Skye. She was everything that I wanted to be. Everything, her personality, style, life. I wanted that. That was my desire at my 18-year-young stage. Well, one night I had this wicked dream. And it pretty much was the first few chapters. Three, I believe... I dreamt I met them, dated Dan, got cheated on, and ended up in Phil's house... Then I woke up. And I ran to my room and wrote it all down. It scared me, really, it did. Because I usually don't dream.. haha.  But here we are, two years later (almost) and I'm 17 chapters past my dream, almost at 20k reads (which btw, is pretty dang awesome) and I'm excited because...

Future: I am planning, have been for a year now, to publish this work. I am going to be changing, obviously the names, certain characteristics, etc. But, it will still be the same, and way longer haha. I'm not sure when I will get this done, since I'm planning on my future move to England. I'm planning on being there when I'm 25, FIVE BLOODY YEARS. Haha. But, I'm excited about that.

Name: ColourMeGrey. I have been in love with this name since I was 18. But, I will be changing my real name (Michelle Mariana Rodriguez) to..... TEA. Yep, And, It will probably be a legal change, because IF I do get somewhere with my life (as in fame or what not) Michelle Rodriguez is already taken <3 

Comment Me This: What are you doing for Valentine's Day? #ForeverAlone #BESTBOYFEVER #DROWNINGINCHOCOLATE. What are your dreams? What do you want to do when you have complete control of your future? Is there anything that you wish could happen today? Like One Direction retweeting you? Or that cute boy asking you out? Let me know. I read all of your comments, I forget to reply usually, sorry about that, BUT please. I beg you! HAHA

Today: This chapter is probably one of my favourites so far, and I hope you like it. I was gonna wait until I got 20k reads. BUT it's valentine's day bro! Enjoy. c:


Phil's POV-

Clocks. I was staring at clocks. In a low key, dark, hidden coffee shop. They had clocks everywhere, and by the looks of it, none of them were on the right time. My eye caught a certain one, an octopus clock, it was weird. it's tentacles was holding the clock, but it was huge.

"Phil!" I was caught off guard by Willow ( heh ), she is one of my longest lasting mates. "Willow. Sit down. How're you?" She pulled up a chair and searched for a menu. "I'm great. You? Other than you know, pregnant." She chuckled, her eyes on the menu. "I'm excited. But, the reason I asked you here.." Her eyes slow gliding up to meet mine. "I need a favour."

Interwebbed. (Danisnotonfire, amazingphil love story)Where stories live. Discover now