Ch. 8: Breathe

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Skye's POV-

It felt like eternity, this peace. Laying in safety. I felt him move, every single movement sent a jolt down my skin. I smiled, taking in the warmth that engulfed my being. I felt his breathe on my neck, slow & steady small amounts of air hitting me. I turned to look at him, his hair slightly covering up most of his face.

I lifted my hand to push back his hair, and his own caught my wrist. He started pulling my wrist done, but I slipped my small wrist out of his touch.

I let my fingers feel his all too familiar locks, and I pulled them aside.

My heart, it stopped, my body turned to stone. My safety gone. My breathe caught once again, but this was a moment of pure shock.

His eyes looking deeply into mine, I felt frozen under his gaze, beautiful, and lost. What I usually felt when he looked at me. But, I know I shouldn't. I see my reflection in his eyes. A girl, lost and stuck, a lover. I wondered what he saw in mine, hopefully dull, grey and forgotten.

It felt like eternity, a scream, a whimper formed in my throat.


I heard gasping, saw black, felt shaking. What was happening?

"Skye?! Wake up! Please, please wake up!"

Then it came again, gasping. My eyes fluttered open, I felt tears running down my cheeks. I was gasping, chocking. I couldn't move.

"Skye, are you fine?! Skye, you gave me a right good scare! Are you fine, please calm down. Breathe."

Phil placed me in his arms, he held me and rubbed circles in my back.

I was still short of breathe.

"Skye, you were shaking so bad, and then you started loosing air. I was so worried."

I couldn't think. "Skye, it started after you heard Dan try to get in the house. I know you heard him, hell the whole building probably heard him."

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