Ch. 5: Anchored

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Phil's POV-

It was a long and eerie walk back to the once home. I put my hand on the door knob and hoped thought about what I would encounter. What would be inside, and how would I react. Dan is my best mate, but Skye is like my younger sister... I love them both. As Dan's best mate, I can't just asume that what we saw was what truly was... fact. But, as Skye's brother, I have to care for her and protect her from those whom hurt her... even if..

I opened the door and let the door swing open, it hit the walls with a loud crash. Standing at the door frame, just staring at the dim lighted room, everything was the way it was left before the events unfolded, but it was cozen. Life-less and dark.

"Phil!" My gaze was directed to Dan, standing in the kitchen, he was holding something in his right hand and had his left hand in his hair. "Dan." I said flatly, I had chosen which side I was on.. "I'm here to get our stuff. And after, I will be leaving." I crossed over to Skye's room, not looking at the bed, in hopes to not see Sady. I walked directly to the closet and pulled down a bag and a luggage bag, everything I saw that belonged to Skye I quickly packed. I looked for her journal, I knew that she kept it in a box that held every memory that meant something to her. I looked in the one place I knew she wouldn't think any would find it.. Under her bed. I took a deep breathe and slowly turned around...

To my surprise, I didn't see Sady laying in her glory, instead I saw a made bed with the dark wood box on top of the neatly made bed. I stepped towards the box and fought back a smile, so many memories that involved all three of us. Pictures from the first day we met, different stubs for movies, shows and random things we decided to attend. It was an array of different things, and everyone of them had a tie to Dan. I didn't know if I wanted to bring thebox back to her. I put some of the things back in the back, made sure the aztec print journal was inside and closed the wood over it. I examined the box for a bit, dark wood, with a simple thing on the lid, a ship...

"Be the one to guide me, but never hold me down"

It was Skye's favourite quote, the one she sang about, the love she would sail the seas for. I placed the box inside the luggage bag and headed out the room. I looked in the room one last time, closed my eyes and shut the door. My last stop is my room/Skye's studio. I grabbed the essentials such as laptops and cameras. I collected the clothes I had in my drawers and also grabbed my lions. I couldn't leave them here with Sady, I shudder just thinking of all the evil misdeeds she would do to them.

I made my way towards the door of the apartment, when Dan caught my eye. He was still standing in the kitchen with something in his right hand and his left in his hair. I putted the luggage down and walked towards him. "Mate. What are you doing?" He just stared at the thing in his right hand. I walked  towards him and looked at it, It was his Iphone it had Skye's number dialed in it. "Do not call her." I took his phone and cleared the number, and then I chose which side I was on indefinitely. I dialed Sady's number in his phone, "Don't want to hurt her too.."
I felt my pride come up when I did that, but I knew Dan well enough to know that that was what he needed to wake up. I put his phone back in his hand and walked towards the door. I looked at the vacant abode and turned off the lights, walked out of the thresh hold and headed towards Skye.

Dan's POV-

I saw Phil look at his surroundings and turn off the lights, putting everything but myself in the dark.

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