Ch. 13: Weak

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Alright alright... Quick authors note!

1. I have a schedule for both of my stories:

Interwebbed: Mon, Wed && the occasional weekend

Breathe in, Breathe out: Tues, Fri && the occasional weekend.

2. I started a fresh this year, so I have a new Tumblr && YouTube account. Comment your links and such and I will follow and subscribe!

3. Please, please, please if you have any suggestions or anything pleaseee message me.

4. (This one is my fav!) I really love you guys, and since this story is coming to and end relatively soon, (10-15 more chapters)... I want to put some of you guys in here. I have a few ideas floating about. But, pm me this:

Name (nickname, name you wish you had, etc.)


(Either): how you would like to be in here or if you want it to be a surprise

Body description (hair, eye, skin colour. Body type (don't be shy), type of everything.)

Why you think you're awesome

And why you're gorgeous (;

Anyways back to Interwebbed! (This chapter is a bit short... Sorry)

Skye's POV-

It's our second week here in London. And today I did a bit of shopping for Phil & myself. I'm so excited, the whole reason Phil & I came to London was because of my YouTube channel. A few high ended music business people found me and were intrigued. I had been asked to come up for some meetings and interviews. Nothing to crazy yet, but I'm hoping maybe I could get my name in a good persons hand.

Living in London is great, Phil and I got an artist like studio, the one with the big room that is pretty much the whole place. It has these huge windows everywhere and we had a lot of fun decorating. Since there's not really any walls, we decided to make it into a giant fort, we made walls out of sheets that we tye dyed and painted. We even made a family portrait for the living room, it's a hand painted picture of us, my uke, poke balls, octopuses, lions, turtles and a few other random things. I can't help but feel like a kid when I get home!

I walked around the busy streets of London and I looked for the perfect, "I-met-my-favourite-youtuber-three-years-ago" outfit. In a few days, it will mark the three year meetaversary. And I had a lot planned.

I never got to telling Phil this, but I've been chatting with Dan for the past week, I felt it only right since it is our three year mark of knowing each other. And I wanted us to be together. Dan and I have rekindled our friendship, I told him that I didn't want to hear about that night until after our meetaversary. I don't think I could handle that, I never truly admitted it to myself, but it still hurts.

Last night, Dan slipped out that he saw the kiss, and how he's been embarrassed because he posted a video to win me back just as it was happening. I was glad we had only been IM'ing because my heart stopped when he told me these things. I went to his channel and looked up the video. There was so many views and comments, I started reading some. A lot of them hurt me, I didn't pay much attention to the hatred from his fans, I knew they'd be like this. But this time, it cut deep, they didn't know the story and said I was the cheat and heart breaker, if only they knew...

I started watching the video and Dan looked weak. I got to watch the whole thing and not cry.

Beep. I saw his message flash across my window bar.

Dan messaged you. It disappeared. Dan messaged you. Vanished. Dan misses you. I blinked rapidly, did I imagine that...

I clicked his message.

"I'm looking forward to Saturday. Thanks again, and sorry about bringing that up. It's not my place anymore. Anyways, cheers."

I exited the page.

"Phil!" I called out for him. I hear a bit of movement in the other sheeted rooms. His head popped into our editing room. "Yeah love?" He clearly was hiding something from the way thy his eyes were flicking. "What were you doing?" I asked while walking towards him. He hid his body from mine with the sheets. "Nothing babe... I uh, yeah, uhm. You called me?" He started to blush. "It's a surprise, so please don't pressure me into telling you..." He frowned. I tiptoed to his cheek and planted a small kiss on it. "Okay. Well? I was a bit bored and was wondering if you would like to snuggle and watch a film in our home fort tree fort?" We build a smaller fort with some branches around our tv, so it felt more child like. I had never had a treehouse, so he decided to surprise me with it. "Yeah! Just uh, let me go uhm... Get ready! Yeah..." He coughed awkwardly.

"Otay. Can we watch something scary! Like, Chucky!" He smiled and nodded his head, then walked away to hide whatever he wanted to surprise me with.

I walked back over to my computer and saw Dans name flash across my window bar, I clicked on it.

"I never stopped loving you..."

I couldn't stop thinking about that last message. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was standing in H&M's dressing room trying on some things and my mind didn't want to focus at the task at hand. "Stupid.." I whispered to myself. It took me forever to finally find the perfect thing, it was a pair of black lace shorts and a burgundy jumper. Waiting in the line to check out took a right good time. When I finally got to the cash reg, my mind had done so many flips around Dan and Phil, I couldn't see straight.

"Ma'am, are you ok?" I look up at the person in front of me. It was a guy with a long curly fringe and short sides. He had on raybans and a nice royal blue button up. "Oh, um yeah. Sorry." He smiled and chuckled, "It's ok Skye." I blinked at him. "How do you know my name? " I was about creeped out. He just looked at me unfazed. "Everyone knows who you are. Well, let me rephrase that. You're Internet royalty, if YouTube met teen vogue you'd be on the cover every month!" He faked giggled. "No, but really. Sorry for that poor Mean Girls quote. You're dating amazingphil, you make awesome covers and you're gorgeous. There's no way, you're not known. But I know you more because of your voice. Well half of London does." I blushed. "Well, uh..." I checked for a name tag. "Euro" he told me. "Euro? Ok. Well thanks." He laughed and rang me up. "It's gonna be $70. That is, if you still have States money. And, I know my name is weird. My parents met gambling. It was only proper to them..." I chuckled. " I actually do have US money I've been meaning to get rid of! And I'm sorry about that!" I gave him the money and looked around before he gave me my receipt. "Cheers Skye!" I smiled and waved goodbye. When I got to the doors to exit, I pulled out my wallet again to put my change and receipt in it. Then I caught a glimpse of something on my receipt.

"You really are gorgeous. If you ever want to quote Mean Girls or get a cup of tea. Sing your song at the beep. xx" he left his number on it.

I turned around to find him, he was checking out a pretty girl, you could tell she was trying to flirt, but he just looked at me.

I turned around and walked out the door, I reached for my phone and rang the only one who could clear my thoughts.

"Hey? I need you."

Interwebbed. (Danisnotonfire, amazingphil love story)Where stories live. Discover now