Ch. 24: Glass

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Skye's POV-

I was starting to show, a lot actually, none of my clothes fit that well anymore, I was stuck wearing oversized tanks, leggings and some of my shorts.

Ali had called me today, waking me up at 7 to "Declare your career start and congratulate you on Ali jr!" I beamed, I was waiting for this day to come, I was getting ready to head to the studio, my new home! Phil was tagging along with me, since I don't want to drive anymore, it wasn't very fun now that my tummy is getting massive! I was dressed in a white lace tank, black shorts and olive mocs, there was no need to dress up today, according to Ali, Phil in sweats and a vneck, we headed off to the studio.

I was gripping onto Phil's hand, "Love, you're squeezing on too hard." He nonchalantly said, I blushed furiously, "Sorry," I barely whispered, "I'm so nervous!" He gave me a smile and pecked my forehead, "Babe, you're amazing, hence a bloody record deal! I mean come on, it's going to be great, you're going to record massive amount of hits, sing like an angel, make music videos, tour the world, you deserve this and you're so talented. Be nervous, you have to be, it's part of the road you're going down." He rubbed my hand with his thumb, the streets were so busy. London is a glorious place, we passed so many people, I wonder how many of them are my fans, or will be my fans. As soon as we reached the car park for the studio, I jumped out, semi wobble sprinting to the entrance, not waiting for Phil. I could barely make out his yells for me, "No time to waste! Come on!" I yelled back towards him. Once I reached the entrance, I stopped to admire the doors, plaque, walls, everything. I felt a hand grab mine, not pulling me out of the moment, I sighed happily. "Storm Records", was written in gold across the doors. Phil pulled a door open and let me through, I took everything in, the classy interior, furniture that looked heavenly and a front desk that was primarily an epic aquarium with massive amounts of multicoloured fish. The front desk lady smiled at us, "Skye, yes. I'm happy to see you've made it to our studios safely. Congratulations, by the way, the family watched it together last night while we were learning more about you." We smiled at her and said our 'thank you's, "Now, if you and Mr. Lester would please head up to the 11th floor, our floor supervisor will meet you there and get you through to your first room." We nodded, and headed towards the glass elevators. Every floor had a different them to it, the studio was very much like Google or Facebook head quarters where there's a nice cafe, games, scooters, etc. the creativity would never cease. The final ding occurred and the doors finally split. A gorgeous girl with lilac hair was standing at the door way, "Skye! Phil. It's so nice to finally meet you, I'm Freya, the floor supervisor. And your personal assistant, please follow me, I will be showing you to your personal workspace." We followed her to a large room, with a lovesack against the window wall, "Currently, all we have in here is a lovesack, multiple instruments that you know to play, a mini fridge with your favourite snacks, food and drinks, and a few writing instruments. We will be continuing the decoration once you've picked out what you want in here. This whole floor, is your floor. We give pride in the service we present to every artist signed to our label. You have 5 recording studios on this floor, each for how you want to interpret your songs, you'll be able to see what I mean when you look around. And you have a bedroom, shower, kitchen here and if needed we can have a baby room installed. There is one recording studio we have, but it's our largest one and is located on level two. If you have any questions, I am here, and my personal slice of this floor is right next to your recording rooms, if you would like to see it, you may. Please, go look around, in 45 minutes, the team will be here to set you up for your first recording." And with that Freya walked to her office. "What. Oh, my.. I. What?" I didn't know how to take this in. This whole floor is mine, like all of it, I have my own recording rooms, multiple, with high tech equipment, for my moods. It's like my second home. Phil and I decided that the best way to discover the wonders of this floor is by playing hide and seek. We had a blast, we both fell in love with it. By the time my recording team came, Phil and I found the food in my mini fridge and we were going at it.

I was sat in one of my 5 rooms, it was decorated quite depressing actually, which was good for the song. It's a song I dedicated to my dad. By the end of my session, I was in tears, I didn't know I could bring so much to this song and I didn't know it would hurt so much to finally get it out. But alas, it was worth it, I heard my voice and the instrumental added together and it was wonderful, it was perfect.

"Skye, that was beautiful." Freya was rubbing my back, I'm glad she was my personal assistant, we hit it off quite quickly, "Ok, so management had an idea, and they wanted me to run it by you. We had met up with another british artist and asked him if we could use one of his songs as your first singles. He agreed, said he was a fan of you actually. Well, we were wondering if you wouldn't mind doing Small Bump as your first single, we feel as if it would be good for you, and since it relates to you," I have her a look, my baby isn't going to die! "With out the tragic end of course, we wouldn't put that in the song actually, so what do you think?" I thought about it, smiled widely because Ed-freaking-Sheeran is a fan of me, and finally agreed. "Well here's the thing, he wanted to know if he could be in the song with you." I pretty much jumped at this part, "I'd die before I say no!"

And with that, she went and set up a date to work together.

It was nearly 3 o'clock when we left the studio, it was a long and exciting day, I chose out decorations, sand my heart out, got a deal to do a song with one of my favourites and took one more step to my dreams. And now it was time for a very quick, I hope, doctors visit. We were finding out the sex of our little one today. I have fiveish months left with em, and we're wanting to start the reconstruction of our loft for em.

Phil was beaming on the way to the hospital, he was so excited to see what we were having. The past few weeks, we had brainstormed for names and came up with our four top boy and girl first and middle name combos. Today, we eliminate two, fingers crossed.

Sitting on the hospital bed with the monitor next to me, felt unreal, Phil was holding my hand up to his mouth, he was nervous and excited. Our nurse finally came in, "Skye and Phil, so, we find out today! And we're going to see how healthy they are too. So, lets get ready. Lift your shirt up love, and lay down for me." I pulled my tank up to under my bosom and laid down. I heard the gloopiness of the gel splatting on my tummy, ehh it was so cold, then the baby finder thing was placed in my now semi huge tummy. She circled around my belly and finally positioned it in certain areas, she began writing things down on her clip board. "Well they look very normal and healthy, I saved the best parts for last. Ready for it?" We nodded, Phil and I's eyes met, not loosing gaze from each other. And then a noise filled the room, his mouth fell open a little, and then closed and spread into a smile. My body froze, not looking away from Phil's eyes, I saw his hand move towards my face, wiping away the tears I didn't know I was producing. Our babies heart beat, that's what we were hearing, I swear it matched Phil's, it has to. "Ok, mummy and daddy, meet your little-" she moved the instrument again, "boy." Phil and I moved our eyes to the screen, and there stood the first image we've ever seen of our little one. Our little boy.

Authors note-

I'm so sorry these past few chapters have been slow or boring, I was trying to introduce everyone and everything and sub plots and kbasgakvwjavhabwu. But, after this it will be picking up and ending soon.

So, I hope you like it.

Comment me baby names, I have some in mind, but I would love more ideas!

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