Ch. 15: Palms

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Dan's POV-

I enclosed the envelope. Stared deeply at the light tan parchment inside of it. I slowly brought the envelope up to my lips and licked the glue part of it. I closed my eyes and sighed as I slowly ran my fingers over the edge to encase this invitation. An invitation of the odds. I was frighten by these actions.

I walked outside of my flat and dropped off this invitation in my outgoing mail box. I sighed once more as I felt the paper slip out of my hands and fall into the basin.

It would take a day to get to its destination and another day for the invitations date of receiving.

I had two days. Two god awful days to make a conclusion of the final moments of happiness I had.

I looked at my flat. It was the same as when she left. Nothin was moved, nothing. I kept it just the way she decorated. I added a few things here or there, my wardrobe changed. Her editing room/ Phil's old room was never walked into. Dusted over, I suppose. And I had two days to make it seems like her presence wasn't missed. I had two days to show that my life was grand.

I looked at my common room, the pictures we have of ourselves, faced down. It depicted my home so perfectly. Couldn't be seen but still there. Still taking up the same volume, space, capacity as it always had. Her wooden elephants were still on our coffee table. The giant glass and mirror pieced mural still hung in its glory. But it didn't reflect us. It reflected me. And in two days it'll reflect her and me, but not the way it used to. I used to look at that mural as if it was the mirror of Erised, she would stand there looking at us and smiling. Two people made into perfection. But it's no longer there.

I went grocery shopping, I had decided to cook for us. Her favourites, well not quite, I made things she enjoyed. I bought her all kinds of fruits, she had a knack for berries. Nutella and thick honey pretzel sticks. I wanted us to make a home made pizza, she always enjoyed those kinds of meals, and in reality I just wanted to be close to her, as long as I could be. I got her Dr. Pepper, she lives for that stuff. And for desert, her all time favourite: key lime pie. I even bought some other things that I put into a wooden box. It was a gift, belated, meetaversary gift. It had peely twizzlers, a huge jar of Nutella, a wooden octopus I found at a small shop downtown, a Mexican blanket, a grandpa pipe, a can of Dr. Pepper, a few hand woven anklets, and a card that had a picture I had someone take of Phil and I. That was the first picture we have with her, it was the night of the concert, she was on stage and Phil and I poses at the corner of the stage and we had a kid snap the picture so she came out in it. It's one of my favourites, I fancied it so much I never showed it to them...

It was the day before "the day". I had received a txt from Skye saying that she would be able to make it to our shindig. And my nerves hitched. I was scared. I paced a lot today, thinking about what I was going to say and how I was going to say it. I didn't know how to word these things. How to make it come out with out reapplying pain to our healing wounds. It would be like pouring salt onto a slug, there would be no way on going back and it would melt us away. I'm scared.

Today is the day. The day. God. Today. I am frightened. Skye would be arriving in an hour. And in just sitting in my bath, watching as the faucet has small beads of water escape it. Slowly dripping into the water, joining its mates. I didn't even realise when I started shaking, I was shaking and when that clicked so did everything else. I began to weep, deeply and loudly. I turned the cold water on in the over head shower head. I tried hard, I let the ice cold water pound onto me. But it wouldn't let me stop crying. I couldn't stop. I knelt in the pool of my tub, filling up with cold water and my tears. I caught a glimpse of my reflection. Danisnotonfire, his fire was out a long time ago. I'm dumping my heart out into this pool of water and the only thing that is watching is my own reflection. I finally couldn't produce any more salt infused tears and slowly and weakly climbed out of my tub. I dressed myself in a pair of grey sweats and a black v neck. I walked to my kitchen, barefoot (not bothering on putting anything on my feet), I quickly laid out some of the snack and such around my kitchen counter and coffee table. I still had 20 minutes until her estimated time of arrival, so I decided on watching a bit of the telly. The Mighty Boosh was on and since its been forever, I just watched in awe at the moon as he sang his song and tried to get Jupiter jealous. The moon has always been one of my choice characters of any English show.

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