Ch. 11: Antlers

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I always promised myself that I wouldn't do these ratchet authors notes... But I have a few things to share!

1. I will be updating every day this week!

2. I believe I will be doing a competition soon, so stay tuned on that.

3. I've written a new book. It's called breathe in, breathe out (inhale). Please go check it out!

4. This is a copy written work, so if you know of anyone taking my characters or plot, please inform me.

Quick. Easy. Effective. Back to Interwebbed.

Skye's POV-

I woke up in an empty bed. The windows were closed and the room was freezing. I climb out of bed and wrapped the duvet around my small frame. "Phil?" There was no answer, "Philly, babe?" I walked to our common room and found nothing. "Love?! Where are you?" I whispered to myself.

I walked a few steps to the kitchen and found a note on our counter.


Back later.


That was it, I held the paper and read it over multiple times. He wouldn't just leave a note like that.

I went back to our common room and switched on the tv. I went to E4, today they were holding a skins marathon, and I couldn't miss that. I saw that I already missed the first 3 series, but that was fine.

I snuggled into my duvet and my heart was wrenching, I watched my favourite character Cook, yell for Effy. She was standing on a busy road.

"I'm not scared! I want to feel something!"

She yelled, as she stood on the meridian line and cars pushed past her. I was on the verge of tears. Cook pushed her out of the road, and that's when I started crying.

My mind worked around his character, he was perfect. Everyone hated him because he wasn't scared to live, but he hated himself because everything good always left him. His best mate took his love and left Cook broken. Effy said her heart could never be broken, she ruins things. Destroys them. And it hit me, they are perfect for each other. He never had anything good stay, she ruined all good. He loves her. He was meant for her, he was meant to love her. Because she was good, at least to him, and she destroyed all good and all bad, but she couldn't destroy herself. She could destroy the things that hurt him, prove she couldn't be broken, and prove to him that even she could change his outcomes. She could be the good for him, and he could be the peace for her.

I cried, until series 5. I felt exhausted, all the tears, and they wouldn't stop. I hadn't cried this hard since Dan.


It's not hard anymore, to think about him, Sady, that night, our life. It's gotten better really. I'm happy, here, with Phil.

I stood up and stretched a bit, went to the kitchen and made toast with Nutella. I snuggled back into my duvet and watched gen 3. Then Grace died, and it took me back to my life in the states. Today wasn't going well for me.. I thought of my daddy.

Moose. Yeah his name was Moose, and my sister, brother and I were his little meese. We were his pride and joy. Sometimes I think we took his love for granted. But I'm thankful for him believing in us. He died 4 years ago. My older brother, Devan, got sick, really sick and he had to get his kidney taken out. I was really scared, I didn't want him to die. I didn't even understand at the time, he was 16 I was 6. My sister, Rin, held me every night. She cried though, she's his twin, she was older by 3 minutes. And she took that as a sign of leader, loving and caring for us. My dad, one day pulled us into his lap, held us and told us he would be ok, he would make sure of it. After a while, Devan got better. He was normal. That was until March, four years ago. He was sent to the hospital, and he got worse. He was in the hospital forever, he had to wait for a donor to come up, so he could make it. 10 years, he was good for 10 years and then it all came back. My dad called my family into a meeting March 30, and told us that he was talking to the doctors, and to their surprise, he was a perfect match for Devan. They were going to cut him open the next day. We didn't fight him or question him. All we could do was hold him and cry.

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