Chapter 2

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            I had been right. Four hours later my alarm began blaring and I wondered how bad it would actually be if I missed my first day of school. I had an appointment with the principal in roughly two hours and while I didn't want to make a bad first impression I also did not want to get out of the bed. After hitting the snooze button twice and getting fussed at by Maggie I rolled out of bed and got ready.

While I usually didn't drink coffee this morning, I decided to make an extra-large cup, knowing that I would need as much caffeine as I could get to make it through the day. Walking outside I hopped into my car, glad that Maggie had decided to drive it up last time she came here so that I didn't have to worry about cleaning it out after the long trip. While Beacon Hills wasn't a large town by any means I had absolutely no idea where the Highschool was anymore so I had to plug the address into my GPS.

I pulled into the parking lot and stared up at the school. Grabbing my bag, I headed towards the doors but a pair of cop cars grabbed my attention. Looking down I saw that I still had time before I had to meet Maggie at the office so I followed the small crowd of students that had huddled around the Lacross field. A couple of cops had pulled on of the players off to the side while the rest of the team continued their early morning practice. My phone started to ring so I sat on one of the bleachers and pulled it out. April my best friend from back home was calling which was surprising since it wasn't even five in the morning there.

"What are you doing up?" I asked as soon as I answered the phone.

"You didn't think you were going to start a new school and I wouldn't call to wish you luck." Her groggy voice answered. "How are you?"

"Exhausted, nervous and medicated." I teased.

"Thought you were going to stop taking those." From her disapproving tone I could just picture the face she was making.

"You sound like Maggie."

"Oh, shut up." She laughed. "Anyways, don't be nervous you'll do great."

"Hope so. Well, I got to go I need to meet up with the principal in..." I pulled the phone away from my ear to look at the time. "Shit. I got to meet him in five minutes. Call me when you get out of school. Love ya!" hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket before pulling my bag onto my back.

The group of kids had already started heading for the school while the team packed up their stuff. Jumping off the bleachers I sprinted towards the school as fast as I could. One of the players knelt down in front of me to tie their shoe and I jumped over him rather than trying to stop and risk running into him.

"Watch it!" he called when my feet hit the ground.

"Sorry." I called back, never once breaking my stride.

"Who was that?" Someone asked.

"I think she's new coach." Another answered. I couldn't hear whatever the coach said after that.

Maggie sat outside the office drumming her fingers against her arm as she stared at her phone. Screeching to a halt I gave her the most innocent smile I could muster but after all these years she had become impervious to it.

"You're late."

"Not technically. I still have like thirty seconds."

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when the office door opened. I turned to smile at my new principal but when I saw who it was everything froze. There standing in the doorway, smiling as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened was the same old man who I had watched chop a guy in half.

Reaching out he shook Maggie's hand before looking at me. It was like I was on autopilot when I took his hand. He welcomed me to the school, told me how he had looked over my transcript and how impressed he was with what he had seen. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought him to just be a sweet old principal who probably played golf on the weekend instead of some psycho wo liked to disembowel people in the woods.

Maggie noticed how off I was acting. I told her that I couldn't sleep last night because I was to nervous about the new school. After about twenty minutes Principal Argent called his secretary and asked her to call someone names Erica. He told me that she was going to give me that she was going to show me where each of my classes were before taking me to first period.

Erica was a kind of quiet girl. I vaguely remembered her from third grade but she had changed a lot since then. She was a pretty girl but it was hidden behind her messy blonde hair and acne. Both things that can be overlooked by the right people but the thing that she really had going against her was the constant look of fear she had. She kept her eyes down when she walked and wouldn't really meet your eyes for the first few minutes of talking.

We were quiet as we walked around the school. Every now and then she would point out a room or a shortcut that I could take to get somewhere. From the speed that we were walking it was clear that she really didn't want to go back to class. I got the feeling that she didn't really like being around a lot of people and I wonder why.

"I remember you." She finally said after about twenty minutes. "You use to live here, right?"

"A long time ago." I whispered, stopping to lean against the lockers.

"Where did you go after the uh... the accident?"

"Maryland. My mom's little sister lived there. She was the only one I had left after..." I looked down at the ground, blinking my eyes a couple of times to push back the tears that were threatening to come. We were quiet for a long time before Erica finally spoke again. "I should probably get use to talking about it again. I get the feeling a lot of people are going to bring it up." We were quiet for a long time before Erica finally spoke again.

"I have seizures." She sighed. "People talk about them sometimes too. I know it's not like what happened to you but... I know what you mean about not wanting people to bring it up." Looking up at her I saw a single tear fall from her eye. Were people so low as to pick on her because of a medical condition?

"At least mine only happened the one time." I pushed off the lockers and we started walking again. "Are you on anything for it?"

"I'm supposed to be but I don't take them like I should."

As we talked as we continued our tour. Once you got Erica going the conversation flowed pretty easily. Beacon Hills was a small town and seemed to know just about everything that went on. At least everything that went on in high school. Before we got to class, we planned on having lunch together so that she could fill me in on everyone here.

My first class was English. It was pretty straight forward and I was happy to learn that we were in the middle of a book that I had already read back home. Afterwards I went to my second class, telling Erica I would see her later. Every class was about the same. I would be introduced by the teacher and someone would bring up the fact that I use to live here and about the accident.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now