Chapter 21

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Trigger warning: Mention of attempted suicide/self harm. 

Everything around me disappeared. I was only vaguely aware of the party happening around me as my brother walked over. How was he here? My eyes began to sting with unshed tears and I had to blink a few times to keep the tears from blurring his face as I looked up at him.

"So, this is what a high school party's like?" he asked, his voice was deeper and more gravely than I thought it would have been. "I'm not sure what I expected but..." he looked off to the side and chuckled. "Seeing a guy make out with a tree wasn't part of it."


"How what?" Beck asked the corner of his lip turning up in a small smirk. "How... amazing it is to see me? How... can I possibly look this good?" he waved his hand, motioning to himself. "How... am I able to be here since I'm dead?" his smile fell as his eyebrow quirked up.

I nodded my head unable to speak.

"I know. Shocker right." He said with a hollow laugh. "Especially since you killed me."

"No. I-I didn't-."

Beck's hand shot out, stopping my words. "Maybe not technically but you wished for it every day."

"I never-."

"Yes, you did." He shouted. "You hated me. You hated that you weren't like me. You were tired of always having to be responsible when I could just do whatever I wanted. You wanted to be like me but you couldn't." he walked over to me. His blue eyes darkening with rage.

"Beck. It was an accident... I never wanted..."

"It was an accident that you just happened to walk away from without so much as a bruise. You survived while the rest of us died. You got another chance and still tried to throw it away." He snarled, grabbing my left arm to see the small, thin white scar, nearly invisible on my pale wrist. "You got to keep your life and you don't even want it." His grip on my arm tightened, nails digging into my skin. "You took everything from me!" His other hand shot out for my throat and I lifted my arms to block his oncoming attack.

As suddenly as he appeared he was gone again. Dark brown eyes stared back at me filled with concern. Scott held onto my shoulders, gently shaking me as he tried to snap me out of whatever crazy hallucination I had just experienced. Without a word he reached onto a nearby table and gapped a small napkin, offering it to me. I gave him a small grateful smile as I took it, dabbing at my eyes to stop the tears from falling onto my cheeks.

Beside me Stiles stood, staring at me with just a much concern as Scott had but while Scotts eyes had been trained on my face Stiles had caught the scar on my wrist. A memento of a time I would much rather forget. Putting my arm down I avoided his stare as I started to look around. While I had noticed the party had started to get a little out of hand before I was confronted by one of my worst nightmares, now it was completely off the rails.

Scott and Stiles filled me in on what they had figured out. Somehow the punch had been spiked with something and was making everyone see things. Scott and Stiles having their own visions though, like me, they didn't really want to talk about what they had seen.

The three of us split up to go look for our other two friends, Stiles taking the patio, Scott taking downstairs while I looked upstairs. Just about every room was occupied with people playing games or hooking up but Allison and Lydia were nowhere to be seen. About twenty minutes later I was pushing my way back down the Stairs. I met up with Scott who didn't have any luck either. We headed outside and Stiles ran up to us.

"I couldn't find them anywhere." Stiles told us.

"Yeah, us either." I told him, stumbling a little and having to steady myself with Scotts arm as one girl pushed pass me trying to get to her friend.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora