Chapter 7

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Over the next week, Maggie and I did a lot of practicing. I was getting better, not needing quiet as much focus to do smaller task. The only issue that I had noticed was the ability to turn it off. Practicing was making my powers stronger and while some would see it as a good thing it also meant it was harder to keep them locked up like I had been. It was like trapping a wild animal in a cage. No matter what it would try to burst out if you weren't paying attention. Back home I would be able to go days, even weeks, and months without having to resort to the medication. I tried to do the same here but after the third flare up in public I realized that I had a long way to go before I was going to be able to go to school sober.

Walking into school I knew today was going to be interesting. Erica stood against my locker like she did most mornings, waiting for me to walk to English with. However, today there was an added surprise. Isaac stood beside her, blocking my locker, wearing and leather jacket and a smug smirk.

"Finally stopped running?" I asked, reaching my arm behind him and prying him off my locker.

"Told you I was innocent. Now the cops know it too." Isaac boasted.

"Well, you're going to have a lot to catch up on." I informed him as I grabbed my books. "Have fun." Grabbing Erica's hand and pulling her towards our class.

"What's your problem with Isaac?" Erica asked.

"He just seems so conceited. And it's like he's proud that he was a suspect in his dad's murder. Like it got him cool points or something."

"He's really not that bad. And his dad was a dick."

"I heard." I sighed. I wondered if that was the reason, they all acted like they did now. Helpless people finally getting this incredible power. It must be exhilarating to have so much control when you use to have none.

The knowledge that Isaac was here wasn't the only thing that happened that morning. During third period Lydia had gone up to the board and, in some weird trance-like state wrote "Someone help me" backwards on the chalkboard. There was obviously something going on with her and according to Scott Derek was convinced that Lydia was the creature that was going around killing people. A creature called a Kanima. He even sent Erica and Isaac to test her to see if he was right.

Following Scott into Chemistry I saw Erica and Isaac watching Lydia. While Scott and Stiles sat around them, I rushed over to Erica, hoping I could talk her out of doing whatever it was that Derek had tasked them to do. Just as I reached Erica Isaac grabbed her arm and pulled her into a chair beside him.

When class started, I listened to Mr. Harris insult Stiles repeatedly and I couldn't help but wonder what had made him such a horrid person. When Harris told Erica to take the first station a lot of boys raised their hand. The smile Erica wore told me that she had waited her entire life to be the center of attention in this way rather than the twitching girl on the ground.

Everyone was assigned a station before splitting off into pairs. I had to suppress a groan when I took my seat next to Isaac. He seemed more interested in messing with the beakers than doing any of the actual work so I was kind of on my own. Looking over at him I could see that he was watching Lydia work on her assignment with Allison.

"What are you planning?" I asked, knocking his hand to the side so that I could grab one of the ingredients.

"I'm planning on seeing if she's the Kanima." His lips turned into a half smile before he turned to look at me.

"She's not."

"If you were really that sure then you wouldn't be so worried." He pointed out.

"Okay. Let's say hypotactically that she is. What then?"

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now