Chapter 14

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            I pulled up to a large, abandon train station. The blue jeep I parked beside was the only clue that I was in the right place. Getting out of the car I walked up the stairs towards the doors that were chained shut. One of the windows had been broken out so I climbed through.

It came as no surprise that the inside was even worse than the outside. Very little light was able to make it through the years and years of dust that covered the windows, casting everything in an eerie muted glow. The footprints in the dust were the only reason I knew I was headed in the right direction.

"Scott? Stiles?" I called out when the footprints led to a dark passageway. The only sound was my voice echoing back to me. "Okay Bri. You can do this." I whispered to myself, taking a few steps into the hallway.

I had to keep my phone pointed to the ground to make sure that I was going the right way but every now and then I would get that tingle on the back of my neck that made me feel like someone was watching me. The further I walked the more paranoid I became. At least I thought it had just been paranoia until I heard a low growl echo around the hall.

I looked around quickly, trying to find where the noise had come from. Were there more werewolves in Beacon Hills than I knew of? Was Derek sharing his lair with another pack? I felt something brush against my back and quickly turned around but nothing was there. When I turned around a pair of bright yellow eyes stared down at me. My fist flew out making contact with the werewolf's nose.

"OW!" Isaac cried as he cupped his face.

"Isaac! You son of a bitch!" I panted, putting my hand over my racing heart.

"I told you not to do it." Another familiar voice said, walking into the light of my cellphone.

"You told him not to do it? Why didn't you tell me he was there?" I asked as Boyd grinned down at me and Isaac.

"Not as fun." He chuckled.

"Then you're an ass too."

"Damnit Bri!" Isaac groaned, standing up and wiping blood off his face. "You broke my nose."

"Good!" I shouted. "Be glad I stopped at that. You know you could give someone a heart attack. Now get me out of this creepy hallway before I decide to break something else."

Even though I had just broken his nose they both still laughed like they thought I wouldn't be able to hurt a fly. They led me into a giant room, cement pillars, broken furniture, and a subway car being some of the only things in there thankfully the lights in here worked fine and I wondered if I had just walked down a pitch-black hallway for absolutely no reason. I saw Derek and Scott talking over in the corner and they both smirked when they saw me. Stupid werewolf hearing. I thought, scowling as Boyd chuckled behind me.

"What's going on?" Derek asked, trying to cover the humor in his voice.

"I'm going to murder two of your betas is what's going on." I grumbled, not even bothering to raise my voice. "Where's Erica?"

"I'm in here." She called from the subway car.

I glared at the two who had led me into the room before walking over to the car. Erica sat in the seat opposite Stiles, propped up against one of the windows. When she saw me, she pushed herself off the seat and walked over to me. Without a word I pulled her into a tight hug. It didn't matter that we had fought before. The argument and any negative feelings I had towards her vanished the second I heard her cry out in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked when we separated.

"I am now." Her smile quickly turned into a grin when she looked out the window. "You broke Isaacs's nose?" she laughed.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now