Chapter 12

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The day was one big fiasco after another. Since Gerard had installed cameras everywhere we had to find a way for Scott and Allison to be able to talk without it being obvious. Allison and I had headed to the library to explain what Lydia had translated for us. It had pretty much all been bad except for one small piece. Apparently, there was a way to save Jackson, the only problem was that he was going to have to fix some past trauma that happened to him.

"So, you were kind of right." Scott said, looking at me through the bookshelf that was separating us. "It's a psychological problem."

"I mean that's not technically what I said but I'll take it." I smiled.

"What if it has to do with his parents?" Allison asked. "His real parents."

I stared, shocked as far as I had known the Whitmore's were his real parents. That news must have become public knowledge after I moved away. When Allison volunteered to talk to Jackson, I stared at her. Sure, we had just found out that the kanima only goes after murderers but that was only if the connection to his master wasn't strong enough.

"If he does anything you run the other way." Scott told her.

"Like?" she asked.

"Anything weird..." I couldn't help but smile at how protective Scott was when it came to Allison. It was one of the main reasons I didn't understand her parents' problem with him. Sure, he was a werewolf but he had never hurt anyone. In fact, he actively went out of his way to make sure that people didn't get hurt.

"Anything evil." Stile's head popped out from between the shelves startling me.

"Jesus. Stiles." I snapped, placing my hand over my heart as Allison pushed his head back through the shelf.

"Sorry." I heard him say.

We all went our separate ways after that, doing our best not to be picked up by the cameras leaving together. I was heading to English when Erica stopped me in the stairwell. I had expected to see her in class but from how she was sat on the stairs she wasn't planning on going today.

"You, okay?" I asked, sitting down beside her.

"Yeah. I was just thinking."


"Earlier Derek was talking to us, and Isaac brought up that the full moon is coming up." She sighed, leaning back to rest on her hands.

"You're worried about it?"

"A bit. Derek's got us so wrapped up with this kanima thing that he hasn't really trained us how to shift on our own. So, we're going to be locked up like animals."

"Oh. Shouldn't his first priority be you guys not wanting to kill every living thing?"

"You'd think but no it's the kanima. We're still trying to figure out who it is. If we can take care of it before the full moon, he might be able to teach us."

I stared at her for a moment. Did they suspect that we knew who the kanima was? Was she hoping that knowing that she was worried about something would make me give up the person and put them on the chopping block?

"You know who it is. Don't you?" she asked, looking at me head on.

Without a word I got up from the ground and started down the stairs.

"Come on. Derek needs to know. It's important." she asked, running up beside me.

"Just because it isn't Lydia doesn't mean anything. It's still a person who needs help." I told her, pushing through the door. "And I really don't appreciate you letting Derek use the fact that we're friends to get information out of me.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now