Chapter 10

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Stealing a police van was surprisingly easy. When Stiles said he knew the department like the back of his hand he hadn't been lying. Stiles had to drive the van so Scott and I followed him in the jeep. We had to make a quick pitstop at Walmart so that we could get Jackson something to wear. Thankfully he hadn't woken up since Scott had clocked him earlier.

The van was parked in the middle of the woods and Jackson had been put in the van, his wrist and ankles shackled. After closing the door and locking it we headed for the jeep so that we could finally take a breath. Leaning against the car I pulled my hair from its ponytail and ran my fingers through it, hoping it would relieve the tension headache I could feel coming.

"You okay?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, just surprised we were able to pull this off."

"Now comes the hard part. Convincing Jackson." Stiles leaned against the car beside me. "I'm surprised you're handling all this so well."

"Me too." Scott said, looking at me curiously.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." he said shaking his head. "Just... wondering how much trouble you are going to be in if you don't get home soon."

My eyes widened at the realization and I pulled out my phone to see that it was already two in the morning. I had never taken my phone off of silent and I had ten missed calls and six text messages from Maggie. I was so far passed trouble it was insane.

"I'm dead where I'm standing." I groaned. Hitting the call button, knowing that she wouldn't have gone to sleep without knowing what was going on.

The phone rang all of two times before she picked up. "You better have a damn good excuse. I was Thirty minutes from calling the cops."

"I know. I'm so sorry. I was-." The lie came so easy it scared me. "Watching a movie with Lydia and Allison. We fell asleep and I guess I forgot to turn my ringer back on."

"You guess you forgot?" she snapped back. "If you aren't home in the next thirty minutes you're going to be grounded until college."

"Yes ma'am." The phone went dead and I put it back into my pocket. "Uh... can one of you guys give me a ride back to Stiles' house so I can get my car before Maggie kills me."

"Yeah, I got ya." Stiles said moving around to the driver side. "I'll be back in a few." He told Scott before heading towards his house.

When I got home, Maggie lectured me for a half hour saying all the usual lines. How she was out of her head with worry. How she had thought they'd find me dead in a ditch. I felt bad for making Maggie worry but I was concerned with more important things than an eleven o'clock curfew. There was no way I could tell Maggie that however so I just sat there and let her continue to fuss until she was satisfied. When she finally told me to go to bed I happily obeyed. Now, not only did I not study for the Econ midterm I was also going to be exhausted the entire day

Exhausted had been putting it lightly. I felt like I was a zombie for the majority of the day. Exhausted from lack of sleep and the effect the pills had on me, and the stress of the midterm had me wanting to call it a night and crawl into bed for the next few days. Sadly, that was not an option since I had told Scott that I would come by the preserve where they were keeping Jackson later today so we can talk about what our next move was.

Walking into the cafeteria I expected to see Scott and Allison waiting for me but instead I was met with Erica and her packmates. I wasn't ready to talk to her yet. Last nights events after leaving Scott's house and what we were going to do to help Jackson had consumed all of my thought but as soon as I saw Erica, I remembered how angry with her I was. Turning on my heels I started walking out of the room.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now