Chapter 15

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Stiles POV

Between boring classes, angry teachers, and having to keep an eye on Jackson while still maintaining a 50-foot distance it was easy to say that school had been brutal. All I wanted to do was go home and relax but Scott had other plans. Earlier that day he told me he wanted my help figuring something out but wouldn't tell me what.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked once the doors to my jeep were closed.

"We're going to figure out what this is." Scott said, holding out his hand for me to see. Rested in the middle of this palm were two black gel caps.

"And that is?"

"I got them from Bri." He paused for a second. "Well, I took them from Bri. Yesterday when I was getting my bag from her car."

"You took her medicine?"

"I don't think it is medicine. At least not anything from a doctor." He explained, putting them back into a small baggy before stuffing it into his bookbag. "I tried to find it online but came up empty."

"So, what do you need me for?" I asked already guessing the answer.

"I was hoping you would know any new drug that it could be... Maybe your dads mentioned something."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You think Bri is on drugs?" When he didn't deny it, I shook my head. "No, I haven't heard of anything new. But come on Scott, Bri is not doing anything illegal. At least not anything that we didn't drag her along to do."

"All I know is that she told us that these were for anxiety but she doesn't take them when I would think she would be most anxious, she starts shaking when she hasn't had them in a while and yesterday, she told Erica they were for cramps."

"Okay then they're something else but that doesn't mean it's illegal."

"I just want to make sure. If she's gotten into something and we can help her, shouldn't we?"

Even though I was positive Bri wasn't on drugs Scott was right. Something was going on with her. I had seen her literally sprint from class to go get her pills. Putting the jeep in reverse I pulled out of the parking spot and headed for town. At Scotts suggestion we drove to the animal clinic, neither one of us wanting to ask our parents just in case it was something to be worried about.

We walked in to the clinic to find Scott's boss, Dr. Deaton standing at the silver examination table with a black a white border collie lying on top of it. When he saw us, he smiled and waved us over to him. I walked over to the table and started to scratch the dog's ear.

"Hi puppy." I cooed while Deaton stuck a needle into the back of the dogs' neck, making my stomach do a queasy little flip.

"I didn't expect to see you today." Deaton told Scott.

"Yeah, I know. I had a question I wanted to see if you could help me with." Scott explained.

"Alright. Let me just finish up here and I'll be right with you."

Deaton continued to work on the dog, Scott helping every now and then while I leaned against one of the counters. I wasn't sure why but I still didn't trust Deaton. He always seemed like he knew more than he was telling and I was usually right. No matter what, Scott refused to see it.

Deaton took the dog to the front where the owner was waiting as Scott put his bag on the table, digging around for the baggy. When he found it he went and grabbed a small dish from one of the drawers before putting the two pills in the dish before setting it back down on the table. When Deaton came back, he looked down at the pills then at the two of us.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now