Chapter 19

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We sat in the red booth, waiting for our pizza to arrive as I pulled my notebook out of my bag. It was almost impossible for me to fall asleep last night so I wrote down everything that I could remember Jackson, or his master, said to us. I wrote down what we knew about the kanima and about the victims. Looking at the pages now I knew that it looked like the writings of a mad woman. At the time I didn't care how it looked, I just wanted to get everything that I could down.

The waitress, a skinny blonde girl named Tammy, came back with our pizzas setting them down and asking if we needed anything else. Once she was gone, I took a bite of my Hawaiian pizza, smiling at the sweet and salty combination. Looking up I noticed Stiles staring at my slice like it had personally offended him.

"If you say one word about-."

"Fruit doesn't belong on pizza." He said, cutting me off.

"Tomato is a fruit." I pointed out.

"Shut up. No." he shook his head. "Tomato is different."

"Says who?"

"Italians?" He offered. "Now what is all of this?" he asked, tapping the notebook.

I turned the notebook around so that I could show him everything. He reminded me of a few things that I had forgotten and I scribbled them into the margins of the page. After I had gone over all of it, I looked up to see Stiles staring at the page with a small smile.


"I thought I was the only one who obsessed like this." He teased.

"It's not obsessive. I just wanted to make sure I got it all down before I forgot." I told him, snatching the book back and putting it in my bag.

As we finished our pizza we talked about Scott, who was apparently feeling a lot better after last nights fiasco, and his dad. We talked about him telling his dad what is actually going on in Beacon Hills like he was going to do the night Jackson had filed the restraining order but he was sure that it would just get him hurt and he couldn't risk that.

"Everything alright over here?" Tammy asked, holding the bill in her hand.

"Yes. Thank you." I said, reaching into my bag for my wallet.

"I got it." Stiles said, taking the check before handing her a twenty. "The rest is yours." He said as he slid out of the booth.

"Thanks." I smiled as we climbed into the jeep and headed back to his house, stopping to get his dad something to eat as well.

"We could have just brought him back some pizza."

"I try not to bring greasy stuff like that to the house all too often." He said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Does he have high cholesterol?"

"No. At least not yet." He answered, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "But... after mom... I just want to try to keep him as healthy as possible." He was quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh. "He's never said it but... I'm pretty sure Scott thinks I'm being overly cautious. I know dad does."

"I get it." I whispered.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Somethings just change how you do things. After the accident... for like three years every time I saw a red truck I would start freaking out and made Maggie pull over until it was far enough from us that nothing it did could get us hurt." I told him, staring out the window.

"How'd you get over it?"

"I got tired of getting everywhere late?" I smiled when he let out a small surprised laugh. "No. Sometimes I'll still get her to pull over. Sometimes I pull over when I'm alone. I can't change what happened back then but I can try to make sure that Maggie and I are safe. So, I get what you're doing with your dad."

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt