Chapter 20

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It had just turned nine in the morning when I pulled up to Lydia's. I grabbed the small box of pancake cupcakes that I had made and went to the door. Mrs. Martin opened the door with a smile and waved me in. We put the cupcakes on a plate and stuck two number candles into them before the two of us walked up the stairs and slowly opened her door.

The only bit of her that I could make out under the blanket was a mass of strawberry blonde hair splayed out across the pillows. We walked over and sat the cupcakes down on the bedside table.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I shouted, jumping on the bed and waking her up while Mrs. Martin laughed.

"Ahh! What the hell?" Lydia shot up, looking between the two of us. "Oh my god! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" she asked, slapping my arm.

"Sorry." I laughed, turning around to grab the cupcakes that I had put down. "Happy birthday."

"Are those the ones your mom use to make?" she asked as her mom lit the two candles.

"Yep. Make a wish."

Closing her eyes, she quickly blew out the candles. Without a second's hesitation she grabbed one and bit into it, making sure she got ever bit of the maple syrup frosting. The three of us devoured the half dozen cupcakes in record time and then I headed down stairs to wait for Lydia to get ready to go shopping.

The mall was packed with what felt like the entire population of Beacon Hills. It took us a solid half hour to find a parking spot that wasn't a mile away from the entrance. We hit the party supply store to get a few last-minute items and then it was on to Macy's to find something to wear.

After quiet a bit of convincing I finally agreed to let Lydia pick out something for me to wear tonight. Apparently nice jeans and a cute top weren't good enough for 'the party of the year'. I had made a few suggestions but Lydia turned all of them down for one reason or another.

"This! It's perfect!" Lydia exclaimed, pulling a lacy, merlot colored...dress?

"Lydia Martin." I said with a small smile. "I love you. Like so much it's ridiculous. With that being said... I'm wearing lingerie to your party."

"It's not that short, I have almost the same thing in green. Besides you work hard to have legs like those. You should show them off more." She handed me the hanger. "Go try it on."

Taking the hanger, holding it out from me like it was going to attack. When I got to the dressing room, I quickly removed my clothes to slip the dress on. Now that it wasn't just a piece of fabric on a hanger. It fell loosely around the middle of my thighs and tightened at the waist. The v neckline showed just enough cleavage to be respectable but not prudish. I just hoped I could find a bra to wear with it.

"Well?" Lydia called.

"I'm upset."

"Why?" she sounded concerned which made me smile.

"Because I don't like admitting I was wrong." I said, opening the door.

"Now I'm upset. Mine doesn't look that good on me." She laughed. "Just match it with a cute black jacket and some heels and it's perfect."

I went back in to change back into my clothes and when I came back out Lydia already had four dresses in her arms. I had never heard of a high school party that had actual wardrobe changes but Lydia went all out for her birthday.

When we were done, we walked to the counter and I sneakily grabbed a pair of green and gold earrings that I had seen Lydia eyeing earlier. Handing the cashier my card I bought my stuff while Lydia got three bags worth of clothing purchased. Afterwards we went to grab some lunch. All in all, it had been a successful morning and it was nice to spend time with Lydia without having to worry about protecting her or hiding something from her. To just have a normal girly afternoon with my friend.

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