Chapter 24

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It had been two weeks since they pulled Matts body from the river and everything had changed. No one really talked to each other. It was clear we were all going through something but none of us knew how to help. Scott's mom wouldn't talk to him. Allison was on a revenge kick of her own, trying to hunt down Derek and the rest of his pack. Stiles and his dad were still off, the Sheriff knew that there was still something going on but couldn't put a finger on what it was.

I had stopped practicing my powers much to Maggie's dismay. I didn't see the point in it at the moment. Matt was gone, which meant, no one was ordering Jackson to kill anyone anymore. It also didn't help that every time I closed my eyes to get ready to practice my control, I would see the terrified look that Matt had given me then my mind would begin to spiral. Was that the look he had when he was being held under the water? Had he seen his attacker or did he think it was me? I had wanted him to pay for his crimes but not like that. No one deserved that. Even still I couldn't help but feel relieved that he was gone and that it was finally over. 

Lydia had tried to get me to talk to the counselor, Ms. Morrell but I never did. I couldn't explain what was going on in my head without telling her why I felt like that. Maggie tried to talk to me but if I tried to explain it to her then I would be telling secrets that weren't mine to tell. So instead, I did what I always did. I kept my issues to myself slowly working through them, plucking at the strings that knotted in my stomach until they would eventually loosen and fall away.

That's what I was doing as I was locking up the nursery that night. Pulling at the thread that that told me feeling relief that Matt was gone was a bad thing. I knew I didn't want him dead and I would have rather seen him living his life behind bars to pay for what he did. I told myself that what I was feeling wasn't relief that he had been killed rather relief that he couldn't send Jackson after innocent victims. After my friends and family. After me.

"Bri." A voice called, breaking me from my thoughts.

Erica and Boyd ran over to me, eyes darting around looking for any sign of the hunters. I had kept in contact with Erica these last two week and every day the fear that she felt doubled. The three of them had apparently tried talking Derek into leaving Beacon Hills until it was safe to come back. Seeing the bags strapped to their backs I supposed he had finally agreed, fearing for the safety of his pack.

"You guys are leaving?" I asked, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"Yeah." Boyd nodded. "Tonight, during the game. We were on our way to get Isaac but we wanted to come and say goodbye to you."

"I can't believe Derek actually agreed to leave Beacon Hills. He just got back, didn't he?"

"Derek's not coming." Erica sighed. "He won't run."

"But without an alpha..."

"We heard wolves in the forest. Dozens of them." Boyd explained. "We think it's another pack. A bigger pack."

"Bigger pack means more protection. With the Argents after us we need all the protection we can get." Erica finished.

"I- We could protect you guys. Me. My friends."

"One of your friends is one of the people coming for us." She reminded me.

A car drove by and Erica and Boyd ducked their heads, worried that it could be one of the hunters. Turning I unlocked the door and ushered them inside. While it may not have been the best hiding place, I could see them visibly relax once they were no longer out in the open.

"Guys do you really-".

"We just came to say goodbye." Boyd reminded me. "We've made our decision."

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now