Chapter 18

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The door was swung open and I was pushed towards the wall by two sets of hands as Stiles walked into the room. I had expected Scott to be with him but I supposed the Argents were making things more difficult than I had originally thought. At least he had Derek and Boyd out there to help him with the hunters.

"He okay?" Stiles asked, looking over at Jackson who was still asleep on the chair.

"Let's find out." Isaac flexed his fingers, bringing his claws out ready to slash him.

I wasn't really sure why his go to move was always to hurt someone. Maybe it had something to do with his dad or it thought it was just easier. I took a breath to tell him not to but Jackson caught his arm midair. The sound of bones crushing was sickening to my stomach.

"Okay no one do anything like that again." Stiles said, looking at all of us.

"I thought the Ketamine was supposed to put him out." Isaac winced beside me, clutching his broken wrist.

"Well, I guess this is all we're gonna get. Let's just hope whoever is controlling him shows up."

"I'm here." The same mangled voice I had heard from Jackson earlier said. "I'm right here with you."

I watched as Stiles walked closer to Jackson, questioning the master. According to him every single person that had been killed so far had been murderers. I looked over to Isaac who didn't seem all to surprised to find out that his dad had killed people. Though I suppose if you could lock your own son in a deep freezer then you could do just about anything.

What really had surprised us was when the master said that they had killed him. How was it possible to have been killed and still be around to exact his revenge? Was I supposed to start believing in ghost now too? How could the kanima have formed a bond with someone already dead?

I watched as Jacksons eyes changed from their usual icy blue into horrific red and yellow reptile eyes. "Uh St-Stiles." I stammered, reaching down to grab the back of the boy's shirt, pulling him back to the safety of the group.

"Okay Ketamine the man needs Ketamine." Stiles ordered; his voice panicked.

"We don't have anymore." Isaac said, holding up the empty vial.

"You used the whole bottle?" His voice had surprisingly changed from worried to annoyed in the span of .5 seconds.

Jackson stood from his chair; half his body already covered in dark green Kanima scales. He let out a bone chilling hiss, showing a several rows of razor-sharp teeth. I had no idea that I was holding my breath until Erica began to pull me towards the door.

"Okay out everybody out." Stiles said as we all rushed through the small door, using our bodies to keep it closed. "Someone, find something to jam in front of the door."

The wall beside us burst open, bits of metal flying everywhere as the Kanima ran back towards the party. Pulling myself from the wall I put my hands in front of my face and let out a defeated groan. It didn't work. Jackson was on his way to kill someone and there was nothing we could do about it.

When we got back to the dance floor everyone was filing out. The rave was over and there was nothing else we could do at the moment. We would just have to wait for everyone to leave and then maybe we could find Jackson, if he hadn't left already.

Stiles and I walked out the door and rushed over to where Derek was walking up. I felt a sudden surge and looked down to see a thick line of black powder surrounding the building. Mountain ash. I knew from the old stories that mountain ash was used for protection and that no supernatural could pass over it. What I didn't know was who the hell did Scott and Stiles know that was able to get them enough mountain ash powder to surround an entire building?

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now