Chapter 6

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            Later that night, after scarfing down a few slices of pizza that Maggie had ordered for us, they gave me a lift to the lacrosse game. When Stiles got into Scott's car, he continued to fuss about how his jeep was now evidence. On the way there they told me their plan to get an old book filled with monsters from Gerard.

"You mean a bestiary?" I asked, climbing out of the backseat.

"You know what that is too?" Scott looked at me surprised. "I should know about this stuff, right?" she turned to Stiles who just shrugged his shoulder.

"You're just not watching the right movies." I laughed, closing the door behind me. Turning around I saw Erica and Boyd walking up the bleachers. "Have a good game guys. I've got to talk to Erica."

Walking over to them I wondered exactly what I would say to her. I was a little pissed that she wanted to use me to get to Scott but she also trusted me enough to tell me her secret. Something I hadn't done yet. Hell, back home it had taken years for a couple of my friends to find out about what I could do.

"Hey." Erica's said, her voice dripping with surprise.

"Hey." I smiled sitting down beside her, giving Boyd a small smile before looking over at her. "Am I allowed to still hang out with you even though I'm not gonna be part of the pack?"

"Of course, we can still hang out and if Derek has a problem with it..." she cracked her knuckles making both me and Boyd laugh.

"Big talk for someone who got thrown on their ass this morning." Boyd teased, nudging Erica with his shoulder.

The three of us watched the game, cheering when the team did well and wincing whenever a player was pummeled by "The Abomination". When Coach called Boyd out and asked if he wanted to play, I chuckled as Erica tried to stop him only for him to ignore her.

"Hey Boyd." I smiled up at him. "Do me a favor. Knock that guy on his ass but... try not to break his neck."

"I'll do my best." He grinned, jumping off the end of the bleachers and walking towards Coach.

Erica and I sat there talking as the guys played, now with Boyd on the team things seemed to even up. Every time Boyd would hit someone, I expected them to be carried off the field like several of our player had been. Apparently, Boyd had more control than either Erica and I gave him credit for.

"What is Boyd doing out there?" Someone asked behind us.

"Kicking ass." I muttered before turning around to see Derek staring back at us.

"Bri." He smiled. "You think any more about my offer?"

"Not even a little bit." I smiled back. "Like I said that's not what I want."

"Well, if you change your mind."

"I know who to ask."

"Good. Erica, I need you to come with me." He held out his hand, helping her off the bleachers. "Pack stuff."

And with that they were gone. The game continued for a while longer, ending with Scott scoring the winning shot before his leg got snapped in half. The sound of breaking bone brought everyone to their feet and Allison and I ran over to him. Allison was reluctant to talk about what Stiles was doing until I told her that I was caught up on everything.

Once everyone was sure that that Scott was okay everyone headed in different directions. Scott had been roped into dinner with the Argents so I lost my ride so I had to call Maggie for a ride. On our way home I saw a large figure walking down the road and we pulled over.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now