Chapter 13

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            The final bell sounded signaling everyone to go home. Everyone except for the lucky few who had been present during the fight against Jackson and Scott. The seven of us filed into the library where Mr. Harris stood with the usual annoying smirk he had whenever he got the opportunity to make a student's time miserable.

I sat at a table with Scott, Stiles, and Erica until Harris made the boys move because of Jacksons restraining order. Pulling out a notebook and a pen I started doodling on the bottom of the page. Loops and swirls of different sizes filled the bottom of the sheet as my mind began to wander.

After a while I looked down at the page and noticed that the little swoops I had been making had begun to look like dozens of tiny waves. Staring down at the designs I could almost see them starting to move back and forth across the paper. The sound of the other students in the room disappeared replaced by the sound of waves crashing. My thoughts drifted back to earlier that day when we had all been in the hall. The water puddled on the floor around us but now it was moving back and forth, lapping at our ankles.

Something deep inside me shuddered, pulling my back to reality. The page that I had been staring at for so long now looked completely different. The dark blue pen stokes now rippled out across the page. Dropping my pen, I touched the page, not even realizing that my hand had been shaking till that moment, to find it cold and damp. Erica who had been working on her math homework glanced over at me and I shut the book before ducking under the table to dig in my backpack.

"Bri are you alright?" Erica whispered.

"Y-yeah I'm good just need to find something really quick." I told her as I searched for the dark blue bottle that my pills were in.

"No, you're not." She argued. "You're freaking out what's wrong?"

"Everything alright?" I heard Mr. Harris ask from behind me

"I'm fine." I assured them, grabbing the bottle and dumping one of the pills into my hand. I separated the gel caps so that the contents would get into my system faster, swallowing all of it. I stayed there for a minute, taking several deep breaths before looking back up at Erica who had rose from her seat to watch me. I gave her a small smile before sitting back up. "Cramp." I lied.

"A cramp?" she asked, her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, a really bad one."

"Are you sure you're, okay?" Harris asked, his concern surprised me.

"I'm good." I smiled resting my head on my hand and glancing over to Stiles and Scott. Stiles was watching Matt while Scotts eyes were on me. I had the feeling that he was beginning to suspect something was going on with me but couldn't quiet figure out what.

"About earlier." Erica started, pulling my attention back to her. "I shouldn't have-."

She stopped when Jackson jumped out of the seat and headed for the door. Everyone, except for Matt, watched him as he walked out holding his head. Was that his warning that he was about to turn? Harris followed him out and I found myself worrying if the teacher was ever going to make it back or not.

Stiles and Scott jumped in the chairs on either side of us, asking Erica how she knew about Jackson parents. She seemed more than happy to help which surprised me, since she knew that we wanted to help Jackson while Derek wanted him dead. As Erica looked up the insurance report Scott was called to the principal's office. He reached down to grab his bookbag before heading out.

According to the report Jacksons parents had been killed in a car accident, though accident may not have been the right word. The police that had written up the report had said that the cause of the collision had been inconclusive. We also found out that not only were his parents possibly murdered but it had happened while Jackson's mom had been nine months pregnant with him.

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