Chapter 8

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"Let me in." I called, knocking on the door,

Stiles threw the door open, pulling me inside before locking it again. Turning around I saw Allison standing there with her crossbow. Lydia and Jackson were nowhere to been seen, but I assumed they were upstairs.

"What happened?" Stiles asked. I assumed that he had meant in the library until he grabbed my hand and lifted my arm so he could see my wrist.

"Collateral damage?" I joked. A joke that was not taken well by either Allison or Stiles. "Isaac. He grabbed me when I wouldn't tell him where you guys were. Its fine though it's just a little bruise."

"One of us should have stayed with you." Allison sighed. "You could have gotten seriously hurt."

"I'm fine. Really. Besides you guys had to get Lydia here. She's the one in danger. They're after her."

"We're up against werewolves. I think we're all in danger." Allison reminded me, sliding a bolt into her crossbow.

"Shouldn't we tell her?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

We heard a car roll to a stop outside and Stiles rushed to the window. There, standing in front of the house was Derek and his pack. Any thought of explaining the situation to Lydia left my mind as I looked up to Stiles, a matching look of worry staring back at me.

Where was Scott? He should have been here by now. He actually should have beat me here now that I thought of it. As the three of us stared out the window I couldn't help but wonder what they were waiting for.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked making me turn my head to Allison who was staring at her phone.

"I-I think I need to call my dad."

"But if he finds out you're here..."

"I know." Allison sighed. "But I don't know what else to do."

As they talked, I began pacing around. This was it. I was going to say goodbye to whatever bit of normal I had left in my life. They were going to come in and we were going to have to protect Lydia. While I had some semblance of control over most of my powers, I had never used them to fight anyone. Not to mention the fact I was in Scott's house and could do some serious damage to it.

"Shoot Derek... Preferably in the head." Stiles told Allison.

"Scott caught the arrow you don't think Derek can?" She asked him.

"Fine then..." he looked over at me then back to Allison. "Shoot Isaac."

"I can't." Allison said as she looked out the window. "He's not there."

"What? He was just-. Where the hell is he?" I asked, rushing back to the window.

Without warning I was thrown across the room, followed only seconds later by Stiles. We looked up at Isaac who glared down at us with yellow eyes. Allison had gotten to her feet and had rushed over to help us but I held up my hand, glancing at the stairs. With an understanding nod Allison took the stairs two at a time to go and protect Lydia.

Jumping to my feet I reached down to help Stiles off the ground. I felt Isaac grip the back of my shirt and throw me against the wall like I weighed nothing at all. Pain surged through my back and I watched as Stiles tried to get away from our attacker. With a pain filled groan I pulled myself up to my feet, using the wall for support.

I cursed myself for not thinking ahead of what I could do if this situation happened. There were a few potted plants around that I could possibly use to distract him long enough for Stiles to get away. Realizing that nothing I did would be of much help I decided to go a different direction. On a table near me was a glass vase with a few flowers in it. Grabbing it I chucked it at Isaacs head, knocking him off balance for a second. Turning, Isaac growled, extending his claws towards me.

A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. Erica looked at me with apologetic eyes before throwing me into another room. Before I could get off the bathroom floor, she had slammed the door shut and broke the handle off. No matter how hard I threw myself against the door it wouldn't budge. She had trapped me in here and there was nothing I could do.

"Erica!" I screamed, banging on the door. "God damnit Erica! Let me out of here! Leave her alone!"

I listened to the commotion going on outside, becoming angrier and angrier by the second. She had made me completely helpless to my friends. Even if I did use my powers now, I wouldn't know if I was helping or hurting the situation.

Glass shattering, bodies hitting the floor and walls, growling, all echoed in the small bathroom for what felt like hours but couldn't have actually been more than twenty minutes. Eventually the sound of fighting stopped and I had to stand there and wait for whoever the winner was to open the door. The door began to shake and when it opened Scott was standing there, smiling at me.

Running out I threw my arms around him before looking over at Stiles and Allison who both seemed perfectly fine. Looking down I saw Isaac knocked out and Erica staring up at us, but saying nothing.

"Paralyzed?" I asked, pointing down at her.

"Yeah." Allison grinned, leaning her crossbow on her shoulder.

"Wait that means... It's here? Where's Lydia?"

"She's the Kanima. She probably ran and is already slicing someone else up." Erica said from the ground.

"Okay that's enough." Scott said, grabbing ahold of the two on the floor and heading to the door.

With Erica and Isaac dumped on the ground in front of Derek the four of us stood there and listened to him tell Scott that our little pack couldn't beat him. A hissing sound caught all of our attention and we ran down to see a creature on the roof.

Though it had been described to me I could never really picture it before. The Kanima crawled on its hands and feet across the roof, its tail flicking back and forth like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. An eerie hiss came from the creature when it noticed us. I jumped back a bit and Stiles brought his arm out in front of me acting as a shield if the monster came down from the roof.

Thankfully that hadn't been necessary since it just turned and ran away. Why had it not attacked us? Was it because there were to many of us or was it searching for something else? The sound of footsteps pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see Lydia storming out of the house, clearly freaked from tonight's events.

The four of us shared a look realizing the same thing at once. There was still one person from our little study group that had not been accounted for. Jackson Whittmore. I turned to look at Derek and watched as he took off after Jackson, leaving Boyd to pick up his fellow pack member and load them into the car before the police got here.

"We need to tell her." I whisper to Stiles, who was already running inside to get the keys to his jeep.

"We can't." Allison told me. "It'll just get her hurt."

"Not knowing can get her hurt too." I pointed out. "Jackson could have killed her."

"Come on Scott." Stiles calls out running to the jeep.

"Allison, take care of Lydia. Tell the cops someone tried to break in. We have to go." Scott told her, rushing behind Stiles.

Just as Scott was about to close the door I grabbed it, pulling it back open. "I'm coming too."

"Uh, no you're not." Stiles shook his head. "Did you just see that thing? How are you going help with that?"

"How are you?" I shot back.

"It's my jeep."

"Exactly! You have to drive and Scott can't watch both sides of the road. Now we're wasting time arguing about this. Derek could catch him at any moment and kill him." I stepped in when Scott moved back a bit and climbed into the back just as Stiles peeled out of the driveway.

"You realize how stupid this is right?" Stiles asked, looking back at me.

"It'll be fine just drive." Scott said, pointing out the window.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now