Chapter 28

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Breaking through the wall we saw the kanima poised to attack. Through squinted eyes, Stiles rammed the jeep into him, knocking him off his feet.

"Did I get him?" He called out to Scott.

I let out a shaky laugh seeing that we were all still alive. A laugh that abruptly ended the second the kanima jumped onto hood. Screaming we all got out of the car and ran towards Scott and the others, trying to get as far away from Jackson as we could. At least I thought we all had.

"Jackson!" I heard Lydia ask as I turned around to see her standing right in front of him, his claws raised as if to strike her, until he saw the key.

"Lydia!" Stiles shouted, pushing past me.

Reaching out I grabbed the back of his shirt while Scott put his arm out to stop him. Jackson's claw stopped midair as he stared at the key Lydia held in her hands. We watched as the green scaly skin melted away to show Jackson's tanned skin. Eventually the reptile eyes disappeared as he took the key from her. I let out a relieved sigh as I watched the two of them. Lydia had been able to get Jackson back. I didn't know whether that meant he was cured of being the kanima or not but at last it meant he had control.

Even though I counted this as a win in my book Jackson didn't seem to see it that way. Maybe he was remembering all the things Matt had made him do or what Gerard had almost made him do. Realization of everything he had done hit him and he stepped away from her, holding his arms out and nodding to Derek. I didn't understand what was happening until Derek and Peter's claws were dug into Jackson's stomach.

"No!" I gasped, turning my head away. Even though I couldn't see that did nothing to block out the strangled sounds coming from Jackson.

I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see that Stiles had gotten closer to me. His eyes stayed glued on the scene in front of us, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Against my better judgement I let my eyes drift over to where Lydia kneeled on the ground, holding Jackson, doing her best not to break into sobs.

"I do." She whispered. "I do still love you."

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I Jackson collapsed against her. Lydia continued to tell Jackson that she loved him as he laid on the ground. I had seen Lydia cry a lot over Jackson since I had gotten back. She always said that she didn't know why she did, never wanting to admit that she was still in love with him. I tried to find comfort in the fact that she had been able to tell him one last time before it was too late.

"Where's Gerard?" Allison asked.

"He can't have gotten far." Chris assured her.

The second Lydia stood up and turned from her Jacksons body I felt Stile's hand fall from my back as he made his way to her. I knew that I should go to her. Try to comfort my grieving friend but I couldn't take my eyes off of Jackson. Had it not been for the holes in his stomach I might have been able to convince myself that he was just sleeping. I imagined his chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. At least I had thought I only imagined it until it happened again.

Reaching out I grabbed Stiles's hand, stopping him in his tracks just as Jacksons hand began to move and the gashes on his stomach began to seal. With a sudden gasp his eyes opened to reveal a bright sapphire blue. We all stared in silence as he transformed into his werewolf state for just a moment before Lydia flung herself into his arms, kissing him deeply.

A small sniffle caught my attention and I looked up to see Stiles walking towards his car. "He scratched my jeep."

"Well, he clearly remembers now. Add it to his bill." I suggested, earning a slight chuckle from the boy who just watched the girl he was in love with throw herself into her ex, and possibly future boyfriends, arms.

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