Chapter 5

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I stared between Erica and Derek. How the hell was I going to bring him and Scott closer together? It didn't make any sense. Not to mention this told me absolutely nothing about what was going on with Erica and why she had a complete personality change and was now hanging out with these three.

"How?" I asked, holding my ground as Derek took another step closer. Damnit why did this man have to be so gorgeous?

"You see Scott and I have something in common. Something I was helping him with until recently."

"What's that got to do with me?" I asked nervously, glancing at Erica who just give me a small smile.

"I was thinking if one of Scotts friends were with us then it would be easier to get him to come around."

"With you? What is this? A gang?" I scoffed, looking at the four of them. Sure, there was something slightly intimidating about them but when I compared them to the gangs I had seen back home, it almost made me want to laugh. That and I couldn't imagine sweet Scott McCall in any type of gang.

"I guess you could say that." Derek said with a laugh, a small dimple appearing on his cheek. "I'm going to be honest it's not all great things. But I think the benefits." He moved a piece of hair that had blown in front of my face behind my hair. "Far out ways the bad."

"Derek!" I heard someone yell from behind us.

Turning I saw Scott glaring at the man in front of me. I had no idea Scott could get this angry. I stared at him for a moment in complete amazement while I was surprised by how angry he was what shocked me more were his eyes. Maybe it was a trick of the light but I could swear that they were glowing.

Stiles ran up behind Scott and took in the scene in front of him. When his eyes landed on me, he waved his arm, telling me to step away from Derek. Without a word I did as he said, walking towards one of the trees in case I needed to hide behind something.

"You sure you want to do this Scott?" Derek gave a cocky laugh. "Have you even healed from last night?"

"Leave her alone Derek." Scott growled. "It's enough."

"Maybe she wants to be like us." Isaac smirked as he watched Scott glare at the leader of their group.

"She won't when you explain about the hunter."

"Gerard?" I whispered to myself. Looking up at could see all but Stiles whip their heads around to look at me.

"How did you know about Gerard?" Derek asked.

"I uh... Never mind about that. What the hell is going on?"

"What's going on." Erica started. "Is that Derek is giving you an opportunity. To be stronger, faster, more powerful. To be better than you ever thought you could be." Her eyes, like Scott's began to glow yellow. "You could have it all with just one little bite."

"Yeah, don't forget the part where on the full moon she'd lose control and want to murder any and every one she sees." Stiles interrupted.

"Bite? Full moon? What are you some kind of werewolf?" I scoffed, looking over at Erica who just shrugged her shoulder. "Are you fucking kidding me."

"Finally, a normal reaction." Stiles cheered, only to quiet down when Erica bared her fangs at him. Which put Scott on the defensive.

"Back off." He snarled, his fingernails extending into claws as his teeth turn to fangs.

"Scott you're not going to take all of us." Derek shook his head at the younger boy. "Besides it's her decision if she wants to join us."

"A decision she's already made." I said, stepping closer to Stiles, who seemed to be the only non-werewolf other than me at the moment. "I don't care about being stronger or more powerful. I just want normal."

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