Chapter 9

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"Left! Left! Left!" Scott called out.

I held onto the back of his seat to keep myself upright as Stiles spun the wheel before gunning it. I saw the Kanima's tail disappear behind a stone pillar followed closely by Derek. If we didn't catch them soon there would be no Jackson left to save.

"Stiles watch out!" I pointed in front of us to the spike strip that laid on the ground.

Slamming his foot on the breaks he was able to stop the car just before the tires were completely destroyed.

"What now?" he asked as Scott threw the door open and leaving us behind.

"Well, that's obnoxious." I muttered, climbing into the front seat.

"You get used to it." He said, putting the car in reverse. "Keep an eye out for-."

"Everyone?" I offered.

"Yeah. Everyone works."

We drove around, breaking just about every traffic law I could think of trying to find the supernatural creatures that we called friends. Had Beacon hills always been like this? Werewolves and Kanimas running around everywhere. If I heard one word about vampires, I didn't care what Maggie said. I was going back home.

Stiles stopped the car outside a large building with a neon sign reading Jungle. We jumped out and ran to find Scott. He was standing against the wall, looking at the line of people waiting to get in when we found him. In hindsight we probably should have let him know we were there since he had just been chasing a killing machine.

"Wait. Wait it's us. Sorry." Stiles held up his hands, to block any possible coming attacks.

"I lost him." Scott breathed, trying to calm down form the fright we had just given him.

"You couldn't catch a scent?" Stiles asked.

"I don't think he has one."

"How is that possible?" I asked, looking around the corner. I wasn't sure why. It wasn't like I was going to see something Scott couldn't.

When Stiles was being his usual sarcastic self, I turned away from the club goers to glare at him. While ninety-nine percent of the time I loved his sense of humor this was the one percent where I didn't think it was necessary. When someone was about to get sliced by one of our classmates.

"I don't get it. Jackson already passed Derek's test." Scott shook his head in confusion.

"Yeah, how did he do that?" Stiles asked. "Maybe it's like an either-or thing." When Scott looked at him confused, he continued. "When is the Kanima not the Kanima?"

"When it's Jackson."

"So, it's like having DID?" I asked looking at the two of them.

"Like having what?" Stiles looked down at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"DID. Dissociative identity disorder. I mean it makes sense." Now it was my turn to get the confused stares. "Multiple personality disorder. Alters can be so different from the host that they have different medical issues. It could be why Jackson gets paralyzed by the venom. It could also explain why he doesn't know he's the Kanima. The host doesn't remember anything that happens when an alter takes over."

"What are you a walking medical journal?" Stiles asked with a small laugh.

"What? I like psychology." I blushed.

Looking up Stiles eyes widened and he called our attention to the top of the building. A long tail disappeared through a window near the roof. Jackson was inside which meant someone in that club was going to die.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now