Chapter 3

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By third period I was ready to go home and crawl into bed. The first thing I noticed was the man who I had seen on the field this morning was leaning against the desk at the front of the room. Walking over I handed him the same slip of paper I had given the other two teachers and he straightened up without even looking at it.

"Okay. Alright. Shut up." He called, getting the rest of the classes' attention. "We got an announcement." He looked down at the paper in his hands. "We've got a new student. Bridget Daniels." I heard a couple of whispers but didn't look at the class. "Wait." The teacher said, a grin splitting across his face. "You're the girl the hurdled over Jackson this morning on the field."

"Uh yeah I guess." I said with a small blush.

"Excellent. Excellent. Right take a seat in front of...Stilinski. Stilinski raise your hand."

My head whipped in the direction of the class. I knew the name and I knew the face. He hadn't changed much since we were kids. Stiles had been one of my brothers' best friends which made him one of my friends too. Beside him was his other friend Scott McCall. I looked at the two in shock. I wasn't aware until this moment that I hadn't expected to see them. I walked over to my seat, dropping by bag beside the chair.

"Hey. Uh Bridget." I heard Stiles say, his voice much deeper than the last time we had talked. "I don't know if you remember me-."

"I remember you Stiles." I turned around and smiled at him. "Hi Scott." I nodded to the other boy.

"Its good to see you again." Scott smiled.

"Oh, you guys know each other." The teacher said looking between the three of us.

"Yeah, I use to live here when I was a kid."

"Hmm." The teacher smiled before looking at Scott. "McCall remember, New member means free A and you need it." He told him, tapping on the boy's desk.

"Yes Coach." Scott nodded, rolling his eyes at Stiles when the teacher, or coach, headed back to the front of the room.

Halfway through class my hands began to shake and I had to flex them a few times so that I could keep writing. I had stupidly left my pill bottle in my locker. When the bell ran, I quickly gathered my books and headed for the door only to be stopped my Scott and Stiles.

"Bri." Scott voice called from behind me. "You want to walk with us to the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, Lydia is going to freak when she sees you." Stiles smiled, walking up beside me. "I wonder why she wasn't in class."

"You guys are still friends with Lydia? And I just have to grab something from my locker first."

"Friends is a lose term." Stiles said, rubbing the back of his neck with a small laugh.

"She's friends with my girl-... I mean my ex Allison Argent." Scott explained.

"Argent? Like the principal?" I asked, a small shudder running up my spine as I remembered the man plunging a freshly bloodied sword into the ground.

"Yeah." Scott sighed, shaking his head. "But she's nothing like him." He quickly added. I wasn't sure why Scott wouldn't like Principal Argent but the fact that he didn't made me feel a bit better.

"You and you ex are still friends?"

"It's complicated but we're good."

We walked to my locker, faster than they had probably expected. With trembling hands, I spun the dial to the lock and ripped the door open. Rummaging through my bag I found the small blue bottle and took out one of the pills, popping it into my mouth and swallowing it. The second I felt the travel down my throat I took a deep breath and shook out my hands. I could have gone without them but with a principal who liked to walk around the woods, chopping people in half the last thing I needed was for him to think I was a good target to go after.

"Everything okay?" Scott asked, looking at the bottle I still held in my hand.

"Oh. Yeah, it's just some stuff for uh...anxiety." I blushed, shoving the bottle back in my bag and closing the locker tight.

"First day jitters?" Stiles asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"You could say that." I laughed before heading in the direction that Erica has said the cafeteria was.

As we walked, we talked about what I had been up to since I had left. It hadn't slipped my notice that they avoided the word accident and any mention of my family. When we walked into the cafeteria I looked around, trying to find Erica.

"Oh my god!" I heard someone gasp.

A gorgeous redhead girl in a purple dress came running up to me. Lydia Martin. My best friend in second grade. If I wasn't with Beckett, Scott and Stiles then I was with Lydia. When I moved away, we had sent each other birthday and Christmas cards but after about three years the cards stopped.

"I can't believe it." She smiled, throwing her arms around me. "I can't believe you came back."

"You and me both." I smiled back at her before looking behind her. A girl with long dark hair stood between Lydia and Scott. "You must be Allison." I smiled, looking to Scott who nodded his head before sticking my hand out to her.

"Yeah. Hi. I've heard a lot about you in the last few hours." She giggled looking over at Lydia who didn't seem to care one bit that she had been talking about me. "All good things I promise."

"Well, there couldn't be to much bad to talk about since I haven't seen anyone here since I was eight."

"Come on." "Lydia said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a table. "Fill us in on what you've been up to."

As she pulled me, I caught sight of Erica. I tired to motion for her to come over and join us but she just sat down at a table and looked down at her tray. While I wanted to hang out with Lydia and get to know them all again, I didn't want to blow Erica off. Especially since she opened up to me about how people at this school had treated her.

"Actually." She said, pulling my hand from Lydia's "I promised Erica I would have lunch with her today to thank her for showing me around today. But how about tomorrow?"

"Erica?" Lydia asked before looking around the room and spotting the girl. "Oh okay. Then tomorrow." She smiled before sitting down.

I walked over to where Erica was sitting and put my tray down in front of her. She looked up at me with wide surprised eyes, shocked that I had turned down lunch with a potential friend group just to have lunch with her.

"You know you could have come and ate with us." I told her, taking a bite of my apple.

"I'm actually surprised you were invited. It's almost impossible to get into Lydia's clique. Only reason Stiles and Scott are over there is because of Allison."

"What is Lydia the it girl of the school?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Essentially. And you just blew them off to come sit with me." She shook her head as if it were completely unheard of.

"I told you I was going to have lunch with you and that's what I intend to do." I grinned. "Now fill me in on what I need to know about Beacon Hills."

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now