Chapter 22

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Sheriff Stilinski was sitting in the living room watching the news when we all walked in. He jumped up seeing the determined look on his sons face and was about to ask him about it until his eyes landed on me. His expression was a cross between concerned and amused as he took in my wet clothes and hair.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"I did something stupid." I mumbled before holding up my bag. "I'm gonna run put something dry on while you guys talk." I hurried to the bathroom, not a bit upset that I was going to miss out on the awkwardness of having to explain how Matt was the cause of everything.

Slipping out of my wet clothes I hung them on the bathroom sink. I was glad that I had canceled on Maggie the other day, deciding to go hang out with Allison and Lydia rather than checking out the new gym that she had just joined and that I was too lazy to take the bag of clothes back inside.

I stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of black yoga pants and a tank top. Sadly, when I was supposed to go work out with Maggie the weather had been nice and warm so I hadn't thought to pack a jacket. Creeping up the stairs I tried to listen in on what was being said, hoping that I had taken enough time where I didn't have to help explain anything but not enough that they would be waiting on me.

"Why would this kid want half of the 2006 swim team and it's coach dead?" Noah asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Stiles started, his voice raising a bit with excitement. "Our swim teams sucks. I mean we haven't won anything in years."

"Stiles. Really?" She sighed walking into the room, his damp shirt hung over my arm.

"Okay we don't have a motive yet but...come on does Harris?" he asked looking at his dad. Stiles' eyes begging him to believe what he was saying.

Noah looked between the three of us, trying to see if maybe we were playing some kind of stupid joke on him.

"Sheriff. It's him." I said, walking over to the guys.

"What do you want me to do?" He conceded.

"We need to look at the evidence." Scott explained.

"It's at the station. Where I no longer work."

"Dad, they'll let you in trust me." Stiles said, stiffening a bit when his dad looked at him like he was out of his mind. "Or... trust them?" he asked, pointing to me and Scott.

"Them I trust." Noah agreed, turning to go back down stairs.

I went to follow but Stiles grabbed my arm before I could leave the room. Taking the over shirt from me he tossed it into the hamper before heading to his closet and pulling out a striped gray hoodie and tossing it to me. I thanked him before slipping the fabric over my bare arms and followed him out to the jeep.

Within thirty minutes the four of us were all standing around the desk watching the hospital security cameras. We were able to catch a glimpse of Matt but it was just his back. I had suggested looking in the window that he had just passed in front of but the image was too grainy to see any of his features.

It was beginning to look like we were shit out of luck until we saw him talking to one of the nurses. Scott's mom to be exact. Pulling out his cellphone Scott called him mom who answered after only two rings. They tried to explain what Matt looked like and while Stiles' description of 'evil' was accurate it wasn't very helpful. Pushing the paper off the yearbook I turned it so that he could get a picture to send to his mom.

"Yeah, I remember I stopped him because he was tracking mud in the hall."

Throwing my arms up in the air I grinned as Scott thanked his mom. She remembered him then that at least put him at two of the murders. Sheriff Stilinski did one better by attaching him to two more when he brought up the prints at the trailer and a receipt at the mechanics.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang