Chapter 17

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The pounding of the music sounded through the walls as I rushed over to meet Erica and Isaac. They stood against a car, watching the guy take everyone's tickets. If Isaac had been hoping to just sneak in when no one was watching he was sadly mistaken. We stood there for a while as more and more people walked into the warehouse.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, looking over to Isaac.

"Simple." He smirked, flexing his fist a few times before walking towards the doorman.

"Whoa!" I grabbed ahold of Isaacs jacket sleeve and pulled him back. "That's the plan? Knock him out then just walk in?"

"You got a better one?"

I looked over to the doorman. He was tall and built with a look on his face that almost begged someone to start something. I knew that Isaac had super strength but, unlike Isaac, I didn't think it was going to be all that easy to get rid of him. That was until another group approached him.

Four girls that I had seen around school walked up to the door. He didn't even look at the tickets they held in their hands, more interested in making them laugh and puffing out his already large chest. When they walked in his eyes followed them, glued to their backside.

"I might have one." I looked over to Erica who was fiddling with the zipper on her jacket.

"Oh no. What now?" Erica asked.

"Give me your jacket." I told her, taking the leather jacket when she handed it to me. "I need you to flirt with the doorman. Isaac and I will sneak around him before he lets you in."

"What makes you think that will work?"

"Simple." I smirked, releasing her hair from her barrette and letting her hair fall down her back. "Since you got the bite, guys have been falling all over you." I glanced over at Isaac who just rolled his eyes. "I think it's the animal magnetism. And he was just flirting with girls who were way less attractive than you." I teased, pulling her hair around her shoulders so that it draped over her chest.

"Is that your way of calling me hot?" Erica asked with a small laugh.

"Sure is. Now go." I grinned, pushing her towards the doorman. Erica stood not too far from the door, waiting for a moment when no one was around so that we could sneak in unseen.

I looked up at Isaac who was watching Bri closely. "Sorry for volunteering your girl to go flirt with some rando."

"My girl?" Isaac scoffed. "We aren't together we just hook up every now and then."

"So, you aren't interested in her? At all?"

"Not enough to date her. Besides I'm not the one she likes."

Erica liked someone and hadn't told me? I tried to figure out who it was. I knew that she had threatened to steal Scott from Allison but I had seen Erica and Scott together. It would have been much more of a power move if she went after him than because she really liked him. Then I remembered the other day when we were all given detention. She had told Stiles she used to have a huge crush on him. Maybe the crush was a lot more recent.

"I guess now that her and Stiles are on the same side something might happen between them."

"Seriously?" Isaac looked down at me, his eyes wide with surprise. "Stiles?"

"What? She said she used to have a really big crush on him." He continued to just stare at me. "If it's not him then who did she tell you she liked?"

"If she didn't tell you then I'm not gonna. Not that she's actually told me anything. I can just tell. Maybe it's a werewolf thing. Like strength, super hearing and maybe my...situation." He smirked as my eyes widened in surprise.

Element of Surprise ~Stiles Stilinski FanficWhere stories live. Discover now