Chapter 13

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^Joann's POV^

Looking through my closet I sigh to myself with my limited options for what I can wear. I seriously need to go shopping for normal clothes, I could do that today. I think to myself as I push through the clothes. I end up choosing an outfit similar to yesterday's but instead with a red wine colored skirt and a black button up with a tie matching the skirt. With that I throw on a pair of black socks and shoes to match with.

After doing this, I just brush through my hair and throw it into a high ponytail with a red hair tie to match the outfit. With my hair up, I brush my teeth and put on mascara. Since I was finally ready, I stepped out of my room and made my way down the hallway. I figured I was going to make one stop before going to breakfast.

I think inviting Lucifer to have breakfast will be a nice little jab to everyone to let them know he's with me. Even if we aren't a couple, me hanging around with another male who isn't family raises brows. If it makes people think I'm with someone else and not going to get engaged with Andrew then that's the best outcome and gets rid of any guilt of me using Lucy.

I make my way down the hallway, past the stairs and down the east wing hallway. I reach Lucifer's door and knock on it. I could hear grumbling from the other side and the sound of feet shuffling. The door slowly opens with Lucifer scowling only to turn to a surprised expression with a raised eyebrow.

"What'cha need there princess?" He asks. I look at him and try not to laugh. You could definitely tell he just woke up with his bed head and being in his pj's still.

"Wanna rebel with me a bit? His highness wants me to have breakfast with Andrew and I thought it was so rude for them not to invite you. After eating I also want to go out and buy some new clothes. These people really expect me to dress up preppy, and I hate it." I say with an evil grin on my face. Lucifer grins at my answer. He really is a good chaotic buddy.

"Eh why not, I didn't have anything planned for today anyways so sure. It's good to learn more about this area, would make sneaking out good too. Plus going to breakfast this morning sounds like a great opportunity to annoy that pompous jerk. Just give me a few minutes to change." Lucifer says and I nod my head as he closes the door.

I lean on the wall waiting for him as I see Pluto strolling down the hallway and makes his way toward me when he spots me. I knelt down to the ground when he came close and started to pet him.

"Well good morning kitty, good to see you up and moving as usual. I'm glad the change of scenery hasn't bothered you so much. I promise we'll be home soon." I tell him as I pet him.

I hear the sound of Lucifer's door opening and turn my head to him. He looks to me and then Pluto and gives a scowl. I was slightly confused about it and started standing up. Does he just not like cats? I shake it off for now and make my way to him, grabbing his hand.

"Come on, let's go! I want to see the look of his face as we enter the dining room!" I say happily, slightly excited to get on Andrew's nerves for once. As we made our way down the stairs, I thought I spotted a hint of pink on Lucifer's cheeks, but when I look at him again it's gone. Eh, I'm probably just a little tired still so I'm seeing stuff.

We get to the dining room and I open the door with my hand that isn't holding Lucifer's. I purposely grabbed his hand in the first place so that Andrew would see it and get the picture. I wasn't interested in the marriage proposal and I hope this shows it, but who knows if this will work. It'll at least get the maids to gossip about it.

As we enter, I can hear quiet gasps from the maids as they see Lucifer's hand is connected with mine. I smile with confidence and look at Andrew whose face is furrowed.

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