Chapter 23

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^Joann's POV^

After what seemed to be a few hours, I could spot gates a little ahead and feel myself stiffening up, fear that what took place only just a few hours ago would happen again. I was however exhausted and feeling weak, knowing I needed to get some medical attention for the bite on my neck.

We slow down to a stop once in front of the gate and Ace jumps off his horse, walking towards the guards.

"It's been a long time hasn't it, Circe." Ace says as he walks towards a female with dirty blonde hair and blood red eyes. She laughs at him in response and shakes his hand once she's in reach.

"Last I saw you was before your father ran you out of here. What are you doing back?" she says as she shifts her eyes towards us, slight shock showing on her face when she sees me covered in blood. "Gods, what happened to her?"

The woman, Circe I assume, makes her way to us. Lucifer hopping off the horse and then helping me off. Circe looks over me with alarm and spots the bite mark on me, noticing that it was bleeding. I wince knowing that the guys wouldn't react well knowing that I hid the wound as much as I could.

"We need to give her medical attention" She says as she turns to Ace. Slight worry shows on Ace's face.

"What about my fath-?" Ace begins to say before Circe cuts him off.

"He's dead. Died from a stroke, your brother is in charge. We've all been worried sick after your father banished you, but couldn't do anything. We would look for you after his death if we weren't constantly at war with the Canis. Before your father died, he decided he wanted their pack's leader wife to himself. Your father, Kratos, left her body torn to shreds and when the pack leader found out he declared war. Soon after that, your father passed and left us all with this. Damn drunkard couldn't at least have died without causing any more issues for us." Circe says as she begins to lead us inside. "Nike take the horses to the stable, I'm going to give this girl medical treatment." She tells the other woman who was guarding. The woman nods before grabbing the horse's reins. Lucifer quickly grabs all our bags and tosses Ace his bag and with that we begin to walk in.

Circe walks us through the village until we are in front of a cabin and she opens the door, waving for us to enter. Once inside, she closes the door and takes me to a chair before turning to the boys.

"You two can go wash up, since there's two bathrooms, one in my room and one in the guest room. Ace can use mine and Cambion can use the guest room's bathroom. My room is on the left of the hallway." she says as she makes her way to a cabinet and shuffles through it until she pulls out a medical kit. The boys nod their heads and leave us alone. Circe then turns to me with pity in her eyes.

"They haven't noticed the bite mark yet, gods those fools. Here let me grab a washcloth so we can wipe off the blood then clean the wound." She says as she grabs a cloth off the counter and turns her sink on, letting the water run over it. With that, she walks back to me and begins to wipe my neck and face off from where I was covered in blood.

"Sooo... what's your name? I'd ask what happened, but you seem kind of shaken up. Whatever is bothering you, I won't force you to tell me. I can imagine it's not something you want to talk about that easily with a stranger." Circe says, which I nod in response.

"Joann, Joann Light. Thank you for this by the way." I say with Circe only humming in response. When she finished wiping the blood off, she was given a better look at the wound. I had a slight red mark where the knife had been pressed to my throat, bruises on both wrists and there of course was the bite mark.

"Well Joann, I'd pour peroxide on the wound and bandage it, but I think it's best for you to shower first. After that we'll wrap your neck in some bandages to help, okay?" She asks, to which I nod my head quickly in understanding. She smiles and stands up, throwing the washcloth in the sink and putting the medical kit away for now.

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