Chapter 9

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^Joann's POV^

Daniel just looks at me in a questioning way, probably already figuring out that I'm not telling him everything. He sighs and shakes his head, accepting my explanation thankfully. No matter what- I can't tell him the plan. Knowing him, he would not want me going on it saying 'It's too dangerous, for someone like you', which annoys the fuck out of me. I know I can handle this. I have to be able to- if I don't I am just the same little girl I was back then running away. I promised myself to not be like that again and I won't, I refuse to be like that.

"I want the whole explanation, but that will do for now. You better tell me later though, you have no clue how worried I was hearing about your disappearance. I'm just glad you're alive and well at the least.", Daniel says and then gives me a hug and afterwards turns to Lucifer. Huh no punishment, that's surprising. "Now, I want to talk to your new friend here alone, just to make sure we all can trust him. I know you believe we can trust him, but this can be an elaborate scheme that he's playing and I don't want to take the chance. Andrew, please help Joann take her stuff up to her room and then have the maids set a room up for Lucifer for me." He finishes saying and looks towards Lucifer and then tilts his head, signing for us to leave the two to talk.

"Okay- fine go talk to him, but no scaring him away bro. He's my friend and if I hear about you threatening him or something, I'm kicking your ass.", I say and then pick up my bag only to have Andrew take it from my hands and wink. Great this bastard again, can't he just stop flirting- it's annoying. I think to myself and make a "hmph" sound, marching into the castle. When I enter I take a second to glimpse around to see if anything has changed since I've been gone and to no surprise not much has changed at all. Same huge entrance hall with white tiling and gold carpet going up stairs. Some new furniture seems to be in the room such as a dark red loveseat and other chairs of a similar color. There were still the huge windows letting light enter the building, but they included new dark red drapes to go along with the furniture. Fancy as always.

I walk towards and up the stairs, stopping at the top not knowing which way to turn. It's been so long I can't even remember the room I used to stay in here before. Andrew chuckles at my actions.

"Aw, do you need my help now Joann? All you have to do is say please and maybe I'll show you to your room.", Andrew says teasingly to me. I grumble under my breath and curse about this situation.

"Andrew, will you please show me to my room before I shove my foot up your ass." I say with a sickly-sweet tone which he flinches at my answer and seems caught off guard. Probably surprised I've become a little colder since the last time he saw me. His arrogance has ticked me off to the point I can't even try acting like a nice person. Lucifer at least treats me like an equal, unlike Andrew who thinks I can't handle myself. I can't believe he was my friend once- if he didn't look down on me maybe I wouldn't dislike him so much. Hearing him talk about the stupid damn arrange marriage proposal to me hurt me a lot. He should understand, I just don't feel that way for him and I am happy with being on my own. Hell I prevail when I am alone, not having to worry about others. So him looking down at me and thinking I'm weak hurts me since I'm not who I used to be in the past. I've finally grown independent.

Andrew nods his head and turns left, walking ahead of me purposely trying to keep a bit of distance from us. He stops at the fourth door on the right of the hallway and opens it. He lets me enter first and follows behind me. I sit on the bed as Andrew sets my bag down on the floor, still keeping his distance away from me. He actually took me seriously for once... Good.

"So this is your old room Joann- if you need anything ask the maids, or come to the east wing, which is where I'll be sleeping. If you remember, the dining hall is downstairs and to the right- the first door at the beginning of the hallway is the entrance to it. We'll be eating at 7 in the afternoon. We are having potato skins, corn, chicken, and broccoli as well as other small side dishes. My parents decided we should have a small feast to celebrate finding you as well as that your brother will be marrying soon.", Andrew says to me and then turns and walks out of the room, leaving me alone in the room.

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