Chapter 20

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^Joann's POV^

I felt someone lightly shaking me, having me open my eyes and grumble a little bit. When my eyes started to become more focused, I noticed it was Lucifer waking me up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Lucifer says with a slight chuckle, "It's time for you to go give Princess Ember's her gift, remember?".

I sit up slowly, nodding my head and rubbing my eyes before swinging my legs off my bed and standing up. I take a quick peek at the clock, reading 11:55, before I make my way to my closet and grab the bow. With it I nod my head to Lucifer that I was ready to go. We quietly leave my room and walk a few doors down. I surprisingly don't see Ember often even though she lived only a few doors away and was closer to the staircase. When we reach her door, I knock on it, listening to quick footsteps that approach the door from the otherside. Before she opened the door, I quickly hid the bow behind my back, trying to hide it as much as possible from view.

As the door swings, I see Ember with a giant grin, practically jumping in place when she sees me. She takes a few steps back to let Lucifer and I enter her room. As we enter, Lucifer closes the door behind him and we both turn to Ember who's looking at me excitedly, trying to see what I was holding behind my back. I chuckle to myself a bit at how excited she was.

"Now Ember, I know for a long while your parents would refuse to let you have this item for some stupid reason so I decided that since you're 13 now it's a good time for you to have one. I know you've wanted one for a while and when I spotted it, I knew it would be perfect." I say as I reveal the bow to ember. Her eyes shown joy the second she caught sight of it and her smile grew. I watch her as she reaches her hand out, gliding her fingers on the lower limb up towards the grip. She takes it carefully from my hands, as if she wasn't careful the bow would shatter in a matter of seconds.

"I- I can't believe you actually got me a bow, it's beautiful and I can't believe it. Thank you, thank you so much Joann!" Ember says as she lightly sets the bow down on her bed before leaping towards me with her arms outstretched. I notice her eyes are watering a little as she hugs me. I smile, patting the top of her head as she hugs me.

"Awe Ember, it's no problem. I've known you wanted for so long and when I spotted it, I knew you would love it. I may be busier in the future, but I promise when I have time I'll give you tips and tricks on how to fire it. For when I'm not around, I'm sure Alex would help you too.". I say as Ember continues to hug me for a bit longer.

After some time, Ember finally pulls away saying thank you one more time, before reaching for the bow off her bed, looking it over. I smile, happy that she loved the gift. I'm glad I got to see her reaction to getting it, I would've been upset if I missed this. I think to myself.

I was about to speak up about it being late when I saw Lucifer walk to Ember. I was slightly shocked when I noticed he handed a small intricate knife, similar to the two matching ones he got for us.

"I don't know you well enough, but I thought it would be rude of me to attend your ball without at least giving you a gift as well. I saw a trio of knives all matching with different gems and thought who better to give the third one than to the birthday girl." He says before taking a step back with a small smile. Ember smiles and says thanks, carefully setting the jeweled knife down. I can't believe he didn't tell me he got her one. I think slightly pouting that he hid that information from me.

"Well Ember, it is pretty late now and we need to get sleep for the day ahead. I've got some things to do in the morning, but I'll see you at the ball, okay?" I say to Ember, she nods her head, saying good night. We leave with that, Lucifer closing the door behind us as we leave.

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