Chapter 5

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^Joann's POV^

It's been a couple weeks now and I'm finally starting to be able to walk normally. As the time passed by during these last few weeks, Lucifer and I have started planning justice for his father's death as well as secretly bringing justice for my own family. I really should tell him about me being an actual princess and all, but I just haven't found the right time yet. It's not like it's an easy topic to bring up as it is. I mean from seeming like just some country bumpkin to being a princess is a massive jump. Maybe soon I can tell him, but I just don't know when. If I really want him to trust me, I'm going to have to tell him sooner or later though.

Out of all the best choices on how we could get into the Naphal Empire's castle, the one we chose would be to infiltrate the palace through the front door by wearing disguises. They would not suspect an enemy to just waltz right in through the front door so we decided it would be the best choice of action. The more inconspicuous we are, the better since it causes less suspicion on us. While doing this, we would also have to play certain roles as if in a play to make it seem like we belonged there. I'm to act as if I am a captured slave who's given up all hope while Lucifer's going to act and dress as a Naphal citizen. I don't honestly know how he will get away with it, seeing how the Naphal citizens have demonic traits like horns or some type of marking. There is the possibility to get a magic item from a witch that deals with transformation, but it's not easy to get incontact with them.

Lucifer says I should practice archery with a crossbow while I heal so that when the time comes and I need to fight, I'll be good to go. We were debating on just using a regular bow, but realized it'll be a lot harder to hide a bow instead of just using a small crossbow that would attach to my wrist and have the arrows strapped to my hip. Once inside the castle, Lucifer would take us into the throne room where we would find the empress. At that point he'd talk about 'questioning my knowledge about the Angel country' to distract her and will then cue me on when to shoot the empress with the crossbow. We haven't decided on an escape plan yet, but he told me the shock of her death will be more than enough. I'm slightly doubtful on the plan working like we want it to so I made sure to have back up plans in mind for countermeasures.

So as the weeks went by, I practiced shooting my new crossbow which honestly wasn't that hard to do since I already knew how to shoot one from the beginning. I just need more practice so I have a better shot and not miss the target. What I won't tell Lucy though is that I am bringing a knife with me as well. Just for precaution, in case the crossbow doesn't work. I don't want to face any trouble if the plan fails so it's best to be prepared. It's not that I don't trust his plan- I do, but I can't risk anything to go wrong. We as well don't have enough information on the castle's structure and the guard's patrol so we don't know if we'll escape as easily as we hope for. Trusting him on the other hand instead of his plan was another thing. He's helped me so much, but there is still so much I don't know about him.

I still don't haven't much information on Lucifer other than for his likes and dislikes, but then again I haven't told him who I am as well. Maybe I should tell him soon, I mean we are going on a dangerous mission and I want him to trust me so I might as well tell him who I am. I just hope he doesn't treat me differently after learning I'm a princess. I like our partnership and I don't want him to treat me like a stranger all over again.

I continue thinking to myself and sigh. There's got to be a way to tell him rationally that I'm Princess Joann without him freaking out. I sigh again and get up out of bed and walk to my closet to get clothes to change for the day. After getting dressed into some casual clothes, I walk out of my closet and check the time to see it's 8 in the morning. For once, I didn't wake up early from nightmares so that's a good thing. Maybe it'll be a good day today. Ha, doubtful! My luck doesn't allow that. I start walking down the stairs only to slip and fall on the last step. Ouch! Ok, nevermind the good day today then, screw you too stairs. I knew something would happen. I think to myself as I pout and sit there for a second waiting to hear if Lucifer heard me falling. Luckily after a couple of seconds, there wasn't a single sound. Well that's a little on the weird side, I kinda expected him to at least react to that. You'd think since I'm almost fully recovered, me getting hurt again was a thing to be worried about. I decide to snoop around to find the mysterious man and see if he was actually up or not. .

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