Chapter 21

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^Joann's POV^

After making sure my dress and Lucifer's suit fit us, we thanked Bethany before making our way back to the carriage and back to the castle. Had we more time we would more than likely go somewhere to eat for lunch, however, with such a small time limit; We have to make sure everything is ready for our escape.

Once we reach the castle we split our ways to get ready. Thankfully this wasn't my first ever ball so I knew how this day would go. I arrived at my room to no surprise to see a maid waiting for me. She stood in front of my door and I recognized she was the one who was in my room earlier this morning.

"Good afternoon, princess. I am here to help you prepare for the ball. I hope you don't mind, but I already filled your tub with rose bath salts and warm water. I was informed when you arrived back so quickly made way with filling your tub so that when you returned to your room, you would be able to take a refreshing bath." The young maid says, looking at me with eyes hoping for approval. I smile and thank her, entering my room, her slowly following me. I stopped, realizing she was continuing to follow me.

" Um... Could you please wait out here? I'm fine to bathe on my own. I understand your wish to help, but I can at least do this on my own. Thank you though." I say to which the girl nodded her head and stood there waiting as I made my way into the bathroom.

Once I close the bathroom door, I quickly get undressed and hop into the bath, taking a small breath in, bathing in the scent of rose. It was definitely a calming smell and one in which I rarely got to enjoy so I was sure to take my time, especially seeing who knows when the next time I'll be able to take in this scent.

Once I finish bathing, I throw a robe on and ring my hair in my towel before stepping out of the bathroom with a brush in hand.. The young girl stood in the same spot I left her, waiting patiently for me.

"I apologize for not asking earlier, but what is your name?" I ask as I make my way to her. She turns to me with a smile, and quickly pats the stool she had set for me to sit in while she brushes my hair.

"Oh, my name is Julianna Matthews, Princess." She says as she brushes my hair. Once Julianna believed she brushed through the tangles in my hair she stepped away from me to grab the blow dryer. The blow dryer had a crystal in it, most likely what powered it, which was some type of wind magic. She turned the blow dryer and began to dry my hair, being careful not to pull my hair harshly as she would brush my hair.

Once she had finished brushing and drying my hair, Julianna took parts of my hair to begin braiding a crown in it. As she was doing this, we began to chat about the ball for tonight. I learned that her only job for the day was to help me prepare for the night and after that she would have the rest of the day off. She planned to quickly change and attend the festival in the village that is celebrating Princess Ember's birthday.

She started to tell me about her childhood friend she was supposed to meet up that night with, as she was doing my makeup. Thankfully since it's a masquerade ball, I wouldn't need too much makeup so Julianna just did a slight smoky eye effect with a bit of dark blue eyeshadow to match my dress.

After my makeup is finished, I stand up and walk towards my bed and grab the bag that my dress is in. I unzip the bag and pull the dress out. Julianna helped me put it on so as not to mess my hair up and then helps me with the corset. With the dress on, I take a seat back on the stool as Julianna grabs the heels and mask I have on the dresser and walks back to me. She helps me slip the heels on and then hands me the masquerade mask. The mask was very simply decorated with little gems on it so as not to stand out too much. I carefully put it on and stand up, walking to the dresser and looking in the mirror. It had been so long since the last time I was dressed up this nicely that it caught me by surprise on how pretty I looked. I smiled and nodded my head in satisfaction and turned to Julianna. As I was thanking her, I heard a knock on the door and opened to see that it was Lucifer in his tux and wearing a simple black mask.

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